December 29, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Commissioner-elect Scott Miller; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Bridger District Commissioner Oath of Office was administered by Justice of the Peace Judge Kevin Nichols to Commissioner-elect Scott Miller. Public in attendance for the Oath were Steven Miller, Dan Hodges, Lonnie Hutzenbiler, Robert Larson, Cynthia Marble, Pamela Crist, and Christine Miller.
Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall joined the meeting to discuss staffing and office hours for her employees; Commissioners supported her staff flexing time worked as long as it’s reflected accurately in the timekeeping software. Discussion regarding Election Administrator training in March for Election Administrator Macque Bohleen and Deputy Clerk and Recorder Crystal Roascio.
Discussion regarding the proposed Detention Facility. Montana Dakota Utilities (MDU) gas service line through Joliet is not currently equipped to accommodate the increased draw of the facility and would cost an estimated $2M to upgrade the gas lines from Rockvale. Commissioner Bullock is exploring propane providers and tanks until a point in the future when it would be possible to tie into MDU’s natural gas system.
10:00 Joining via tele-conference to discuss the Sheriff’s K9 Unit: County Attorney Alex Nixon, Contract Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Deputy Chad Glick. Deputy Jeff Schmaltz joined in-person. McQuillan stated that with the new State legislation legalizing marijuana at the start of 2021, the County’s current drug dog “Max” is not trained to differentiate between illegal drugs and soon-to-be-legal marijuana and therefore needs to be retired. The dog was 4 years old when he was bought, served for 2 years, and no agencies would want to invest in or buy him at this point. McQuillan would like to retire the dog and transition the asset to become personal property of Deputy Glick. Nixon opined that since the dog no longer qualifies as a working dog, he no longer retains that monetary value as a County asset; Papez concurred stating that the dog doesn’t meet the minimum value as an asset to qualify as surplus property for asset disposal per County policy. Discussion that ancillary assets, such as the K9 kennel, would remain in place in McQuillan’s hopes of resuming the K9 program with a new dog if approved in the future. Commissioners approved that K9 “Max” is retired immediately; Nixon will draft an agreement transferring ownership and liability to Glick.
10:40 Commissioner Blain departed for a meeting at the Mental Health Center.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve County Board Appointments as listed below; Commissioner Miller seconded; no discussion or public comment; motion carried.
Board Member Expiration
Cemetery Dist #1 Rockvale Charles Williams 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #3 Joliet Larry Vukonich 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #4 Belfry Jim Peters 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #5 Roscoe Dean Arthun 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #6 Roberts DeeAnn DeVries 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #6 Roberts Wes Hill 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #7 Luther Alvin Ellis, III 12/31/2023
Cemetery Dist #8 Red Lodge Dan Gainer 12/31/2023
Clarks Fork Valley TV Dist #1 Dianne Giesick 12/31/2023
Clarks Fork Valley TV Dist #1 Brad Lindgren 12/31/2023
Compensation Board Pam Crist 12/31/2023
Conservation District Waylon Boggio 12/31/2024
Conservation District Greg Schlemmer 12/31/2024
Conservation District Jason Stene 12/31/2024
Fair Craig Erickson 12/31/2023
Fair Waylon Boggio 12/31/2023
Historic Preservation Commission Maryvette Labrie 12/31/2022
Historic Preservation Commission Shannon DeRudder 12/31/2022
Planning Gordy Hill 12/31/2022
Planning/Zoning City of Red Lodge Warene Wall 12/31/2022
Tax Appeal Kathy Mudd 12/31/2023
Weed JO Hash 12/31/2023
Weed Jason Oswald 12/31/2023
12:00 Adjourned.