September 13, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Bullock noted the Council on Aging has started meeting again and has reported a significant reduction in commodities for meal services. Requested Commissioners send Governor a letter requesting greater variety.
9:00 Blain moved to approve the Area II Agency on Aging Certification of Match; Miller seconded; discussion about requested increase which amounts to .5% or $107; motion carried.
9:30 Discussion about request from the Sheriff to add a secondary Criminal Justice Information Network (CJIN) Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC) position at the elevated rate pay rate of the primary TAC Officer is at. Blain moved to approve secondary TAC position; Miller seconded; discussion regarding continued dispatch retention issues; elevated pay in relation to other Counties (average high end of the wage scale is $21.22/hr; Carbon is at $24.85); discussion of four of the six dispatch members being at an elevated rate. Blain departed. Vote postponed until Blain’s return. Would like to discuss with Sheriff.
10:00 Public Health Director Erin Cross met with Commissioners for the renewed Maternal Child Health Block Grant. Miller moved to approve the Agreement; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Miller moved to accept employee time as presented; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
10:35 Miller departed for a Veteran Memorial Marker kickoff event at the Belfry School.
12:50 All three in attendance.
Commissioners approved Sheriff McQuillan’s request to advertise for his open Deputy position and to establish a 1 year hiring pool for any vacancies that may arise.
Blain moved to approve the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Agreement; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Discussion of ARPA Minimum Allocation Grant Application. Roberts Water & Sewer District has reduced their requested grant amount because of the State’s 50% match requirement. Carbon County has $102,730 to allocate to another project. Discussion of possible projects eligible for the minimum allocation grant including stormwater mitigation on Two Mile Road.
1:00 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Floodplain Administrator Page Dringman, Interstate Engineering’s Brent Moore and Tyler Lindbloom met for an update on Floodplain Administration, flood response and recovery, and permits for County projects. Dringman noted she is not seeing a lot of applications to permit permanent work despite having received significant emergency notice applications. Dringman noted that at some point all the emergency work has to be permitted. The Conservation District is receiving more applications for 310 permits; Dingman will be attending their meeting tomorrow to get copies of those joint applications they have received. Dringman and Commissioners agreed the State’s process cumbersome; it would be beneficial if 310 and Floodplain permits followed the same path. Dringman noted Floodplain requires noticing in paper and to adjacent landowners and is designed as final catch as all other permits must be secured before I can be issued. All FEMA Public Assistance projects require engineering or certification of no-rise. Bullock asked about Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) permitting. For a 2019 bank stabilization project that was engineered and approved for a 310 Permit, FWP said they did not need to issue a permit; Bullock noted the frustration with what seems to be an inconsistent application of rules. Moore noted 4 permitting agencies involved in emergency notifications and ultimately permanent work permits. Establish base flood requires engineering. Lindbloom noted that most of the Pre-flood information they have is from 2019 LIDAR. Discussion of debris removal from under bridges to help bridge work to have certification of no-rise. Discussion of using past permits from USACE for maintenance. Bullock noted Roscoe, Carbon Ave, Fox, 2-Mile, and 19th St bridges have all been identified by Montana Dept. of Transportation as structurally compromised and needing immediate repairs or they will be closed.
Lindbloom noted they have received numerous reports from landowners that Conservation District is not telling them they need additional permitting from other agencies.
Blain departed to meet with Lindbloom at the Granite Road project
2:25 Human Resources Specialist Kate Asbury, Sanitarian Barbara Krizek, Sanitarian Assistant Lori Kane, and Interim Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen met regarding space for added staff positions.
Bullock moved to reaffirm Cedarwood Villa Purchase Offer of $1,100;000 Miller seconded; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer