November 20, 2017
CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2017 (Monday) 8:30 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – On matters within the Commissioners’ jurisdiction 12:00 p.m. LUNCH
CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2017 (Monday) 8:30 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – On matters within the Commissioners’ jurisdiction 12:00 p.m. LUNCH
CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 2017 (Thursday) 8:30 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – On matters within the Commissioners’ jurisdiction 9:00 a.m. COUNTY ATTORNEY…
CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA DATE: NOVEMBER 13, 2017 (Monday) 8:30 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – On matters within the Commissioners’ jurisdiction 9:00 a.m. RED LODGE…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS October 16, 2017 Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance 9:00 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS October 12, 2017 Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance 9:00 Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with…
COMMISSIONERS’ SPECIAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS October 10, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 9:00 Pledge of Allegiance City of Red Lodge…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS October 5, 2017 Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance John Prinkki joined meeting. Commissioners gave him an…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS October 2, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Gordon Sirrine was present. Commissioner Tucker…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS September 28, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:00 Commissioners met with Road Foremen Matt Lammiman, Shawn Mains,…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS September 25, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman met…
Website by Rebel River Creative
Photos provided by Carbon County Chamber of Commerce / Kaden Harrison