August 10, 2017
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS August 10, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Corb Stoman, JoAnn Blyton, Carl Devries, Scott Blain,…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS August 10, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Corb Stoman, JoAnn Blyton, Carl Devries, Scott Blain,…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS August 7, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Betty Grewell, Bob Adkins, Carl Devries, Joann Blyton,…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS August 3, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. Aaron Harry, Bob Adkins, John Cordes, Joanna Blyton, and Carl Devries were…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS July 31, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Bob Adkins, Carl DeVries, and Danny Midland were present. 9:00 DES Coord. /…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS July 24, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Bob Adkins was present. Commissioner Tucker moved to…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS July 20, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Judith Gregory W. Fork Homeowners asked plow road…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS July 17, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Bullock moved to approve meeting minutes for…
COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS July 13, 2017 Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present. Commissioner Grewell participated via video conference. 8:30 Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner Tucker…
CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA DATE: AUGUST 24, 2017 (Thursday) 8:30 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – On matters within the Commissioners’ jurisdiction …
CARBON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA DATE: AUGUST 21, 2017 (Monday) 8:30 a.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 8:35 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD – On matters within the Commissioners’ jurisdiction 9:00…
Website by Rebel River Creative
Photos provided by Carbon County Chamber of Commerce / Kaden Harrison