April 11, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Approved parking Red Cross Truck at Cedarwood.
8:50 Bullock moved to close; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Reopened. Bullock moved to approve the Opioid Settlement Agreement with Teva, Allegan, CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:15 Brent Moore, Tyler Lindbloom, Steve Stapp, Alexis Sundheim, and Jim Ouldhouse were present for the Bid opening for the Dorvall Corner Bank Stabilization. Lindbloom reviewed on bid received from Martin Construction for $567,451.28. 9:20 Lindbloom departed.
Discussion regarding the lack of contractors responding to bids. Moore noted flood recovery projects have a challenging schedule for substantial completion dates with FEMA deadlines; non-FEMA projects have had an 18-month construction schedule with FEMA projects closer to an 8-month timeline. It was noted the substantial completion date for bridge reconstruction is November 1, 2023.
9:30 Discussed concerns with dewatering, crane access for girders, and the Construction schedule. Hope to begin in May or June depending on the schedule with the Montana DOT project on Highway 212. Discussed construction phasing; Matriarch is likely to start with the Meeteetse Bridge and then move to the East Side South bridge prior to removing the temporary bridge and constructing the N. Bridge. Once the bid is awarded; Moore expects 1-2 weeks for contract finalization. Discussion of alternate access on Meeteetse while construction is taking place. Commissioners will follow up with Ron Wolf regarding executing another Land Use Agreement. Jim – asked about Meeteetse schedule and pilings; Moore noted contractor will determine a more specific schedule at the pre-construction meeting. All three bridges are scheduled to be constructed between July and November; deck delivery is not expected until July. New pilings will be set which will require extensive construction. Discussed challenges of limiting public access via the land use agreement; Commissioners confirmed this is a law enforcement issue and encouraged landowners to help by notifying law enforcement. Requested additional signage limiting public access. Bullock moved to accept Wadsworth’s Bid for East Side Road and Meeteetse Road Bride replacements; Blain seconded; discussion about FEMA reimbursement eligibility; motion carried.
10:00 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met for his monthly update. Discussed school district mapping project; Kohley noted many subsequent districts refer to school district boundaries. Kohley noted the project has the potential to affect quite a few taxing districts and individual properties with the technology available for more accurate mapping. Kohley noted attendance at a Wildland Urban Fire Conference; believes it was a very valuable conference. Discussed scheduling road priority meeting; Code of the West, Commissioners Authorized use of Temp PIO Maggie Karas to push the project across the finish line. Discussed last week’s flood preparedness meeting held by Red Lodge Citizens; there are concerns that preemptive placement of sandbags has the potential to encroach on road rights-of-way and to get in the way of emergency response efforts. Bullock noted there were comments at the meeting about the necessity of keeping preventive measures on own property.
10:30 Request from Carbon Stillwater Senior Programs for ARPA grant cash match of $1,523 for $14,959 Stepping On Program implementation to help reduce fall risks and injury. Discussed the Area II Agency on Aging’s ARPA Funds still uncommitted and requests to local senior centers to identify and apply for project grants. Bullock moved to approve the match request and transfer funds to new ARPA Coding from Building Improvements; Blain seconded; Discussion about funding needing to be obligated by December 2024 and expended by December 2026; motion carried.
11:00 Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for March 7, 2023; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve AFLAC Agreement; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Discussed Alternatives. Bullock moved to pay Alternative the remaining $4,359 on the Alternatives Agreement as Alcohol Tax was meant to supplant other funding for the contract not add to it; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Discussed Request from Clerk of District Court Rochelle Loyning to increase Sarah Wallila’s wage to 72.5% following the completion of her probation. Newell noted preliminary budget did not contemplate a post-probation increase. Commissioners would elect to postpone the increase until the new fiscal year.
11:00 Bullock moved to open public hearing to extend Interim Zoning regulations for Marijuana and Marijuana Businesses; Blain seconded; motion carried. Discussion about likely changes to Marijuana Statues in Legislative session and desire to only amend County wide zoning once. Bullock moved to close public hearing; Blain seconded; motion carried. Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2023-09 To Extend Interim Zoning Regulations on the Sale and Production of Marijuana and Marijuana Businesses; Blain Seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve employee time as submitted; Blain seconded; discussion of Cross overtime; motion carried.
11:20 Meeting closed to resume earlier discussion.
12:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer