April 25, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Treasurer Lori Lynde met with Commissioners to present a request for sick leave grant eligibility variance to the 10-day absence provision. Bullock moved to approve the variance; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Miller informed Commissioners of damage done to Sage Creek Road by a landowner with a bulldozer. County Attorney and Sheriff have been informed.
Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen met with Commissioners regarding the 10:00 meeting with FEMA. Rock Debris removal has been approved, but they need a location to place it. Discussed placing in County gravel pits for future crushing; it was noted that the pits would need prior SHPO approval.
9:00 Election Administrator Crystal Roascio met with Commissioners regarding legislative district boundaries. Roascio noted no internal boundaries will change; the whole County is in one Senate and one House District. The numbers of the Districts changed, but it will not affect any precinct splits. Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2023-11 Adopting and Designating the Official Precinct Boundaries for Carbon County for State Legislative Election Districts for 2024-2032; Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:20 News Reporter Denise Rivette met with Commissioners to inform them she and Carbon County News are parting ways.

9:30 Ryan Taynton of Fish Wildlife and Parks met with Commissioners regarding renaming the fishing access on the Clarks Fork River off East Pryor Road. Bullock moved to designate as Edgar Bridge Fishing Access; Blain seconded; Blain noted long-time residents liked the name change and were not aware of the formal Wild Cat fishing access name; motion carried.

Bullock moved to approve the request from Wadsworth for relief from General Requirement 01.1.05 Time of Work, specifically, the request for permission to perform work on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays with your written permission and 01.1.06 Work Week, defined as a 50-hour per week; Blain seconded; motion carried.

10:00 DES Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Bureau Chief Jake Ganieany, John Osborne, Brooks Wallis, FEMA Emergency Management Specialist Edie Vinson Maitlandt, Fromberg Mayor Tim Nottingham, and Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell met to discuss progress on woody debris removal from the June 2022 flood. Ganieany provided and noted an extension of the project deadline has been verbally approved through December 2023. Maitlandt and Ganieany noted Allen’s significant assistance in identifying debris, coordinating access, and working with all involved agencies and attributed the progress in Carbon County’s debris removal to her diligence. An invoice for her time can be sent to the State. Maitlandt noted efforts to address rock debris and hopes to remove rock in coordination with vegetative debris removal. Continued discussion about acceptable locations to place the rock removed from waterways. Discussion about how to measure material and the expected volume of rock to be removed approximately 138,921 tons. Discussed ingress and egress approval and challenges for some locations. Distinction of debris removal to low water mark not river dredging (which is less restricting from a permitting and regulatory standpoint).

11:10 Election Administrator Crystal Roascio met with Commissioners regarding agreements for schools to use Express Votes machines. Bullock moved to approve Contract for use of Express Votes machines with Red Lodge and Roberts Schools; Blain seconded; discussion about recertification of machines; schools have their own media sticks and machines will be evaluated and tested once returned to the Clerk and Recorder’s Office; motion carried.

11:24 Bullock moved to approve employee time as presented; Blain seconded; discussed overtime of the Public Health Director and Sanitarian Director; Commissioners would like to reduce the pre-approved overtime allotment for both. Newell will draft letters for Commissioners to sign.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Airport Board. Present: Scott Miller, Scott Blain, Bill Bullock, Merrill Pfeifer, Mark Derudder, Bo Ewald, Steve Smith, Jeff Wise, Lance Bowser, Angela Newell, Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell, City Council Members Kelly Heaton, Kristin Keys, and Jody Ronning; Theresa Whistler, Drew Daniel, Mark Donohue, Gary Herem, Denise Rivette, Lance Brill, Brian Hanna, Michael Keys, and Lance Bowser.

3:00 adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
