April 28, 2022

Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Mary Cameron and Steve Roi in attendance.
Commissioners discussed vacancies on the Bridger Road Crew. Commissioners confirmed they would like to run the internal advertisement concurrently with an external advertisement in next week’s paper.
Newell outlined figures for ARPA annual report to the Feds. $1,264,200 has been committed to subgrantees (from both minimum allocation and direct allocation); $1,586,737 is available for County Facilities improvements.

9:00 Cameron met regarding the 2022-2023 DUI Task Force Plan. Miller moved to approve; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners received a call from Cindy Donohoe with the Cattlemen’s association to discuss the 2005 Resolution adopting the Code of the West as it applies to Carbon County. The Association would like to see the Resolution reaffirmed and updated.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners. Discussed Fair By-laws and the Fair Board’s authority to dictate 4-H or FFA official dress. Nixon does not see anything in the Fair Board By-laws that would lead him to believe the Board has the authority to impose or override rules of the organizations using the facility namely 4-H.

10:15 Mike Keys joined the meeting. Discussed Red Lodge City Council meeting regarding marijuana zoning; Keys noted there was significant attendance from rural and billings residents.

10:55 Extension Agent Nikki Bailey joined the meeting. Bullock reviewed conversation with Nixon.

11:00 Safety Committee Meeting. HR Specialist Kate Asbury, NiKki Bailey, Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby, and Building Maintenance Coordinator Mike Schilz were present.

Ashby moved to approve December 9, 2021 Safety Committee minutes, Schmalz seconded, motion carried (attached).

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
