April 30, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and (via tele-conference) Gordon Sirrine were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Standard Lease Agreement for Montana Motor Vehicle Division; Commissioner Blain seconded; discussion about including a letter with the lease regarding COVID-19 operating precautions and guidelines in the Administration building; motion approved.
Commissioner Blain reported that Deputy Carrington has been researching potential solutions to the radio-coverage gaps near Warren in the Simulcast system.
9:30 Red Lodge City Council President Dave Westwood joined the meeting via tele-conference. Discussion regarding the vacant Carbon County Airport Board position with the recent passing of Wally Zook. Westwood inquired whether Commissioners saw any conflict-of-interest if he served on the Airport Board while also serving on City Council should the Mayor select and appoint him; Commissioners saw no conflict. Discussion about methods of holding public meetings with COVID-19 considerations. 9:50 Westwood departed the meeting.
10:00 Meeting with County Department Heads to discuss re-opening of County buildings with regard to COVID-19. Judge Kevin Nichols stated that all arraignments have been canceled until May 19. Alex Nixon recommended that a written re-opening plan with sanitization protocols be drafted. Sheriff McQuillan will provide a Reserve Officer on court days to serve as bailiff upon entry to the Courthouse building to ensure Governor Bullock’s COVID-19 social distancing requirements can be met. Court clerks will have plexi-glass partitions installed on counters similar to those already installed in the Administration building. All agreed that arraignments should re-commence on May 19th with safety guidelines fully in-place. Discussion regarding back-door security at the Courthouse; Sheriff McQuillan will change entrance codes and provide limited access to delivery services. County Administration building is set to open to the public on May 4th with separation guidelines in-place with the exception of Montana Motor Vehicle Division which will be invited to return May 18th.
10:45 Election Administrator Macque Bohleen, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, and County Attorney Alex Nixon discussed the Special Filing Period for the Bridger Commissioner vacancy. Due to the upcoming Federal Primary and a shortage of staff in the office, Bohleen recommended that the 10-day open period commence mid-June.
11:00 Stovall discussed the County budget with Commissioners as it pertains to COVID-19 response. The County has had significant financial outlays in order to implement safety precautions for staff and public, such as plexi-glass above service counters and entrance modifications to the public. The County will need to pay for outlays by pulling from the General Fund and seeking State/Federal grant sources.
12:00 Adjourned.
1:00 Meeting resumed to interview Michael Schilz and Jackline Douglas for the part-time Janitor Assistant position. Janitor Rick Martin joined the meeting to participate in the interview panel. Gordon Sirrine teleconferenced into the meeting.
1:50 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary