April 5, 2018
Commissioners Robert “Pits” DeArmond and Scott Blain and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
George Mann met with Commissioners to prepare for AARP meeting later this morning and to bring Commissioner DeArmond up to speed (update attached).
Commissioner DeArmond moved to accept the District Court Report for March 2018; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed the preliminary budgeting process. Angela presented graphs with an overview of Fiscal Year 2017 expenditures and revenues.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners. Shannon noted the Montana Attorney General’s Office is reviewing the Big Horn Co. WY Mutual Aid Agreement. Shannon has started drafting a complaint against Industrial Communications and Electronics regarding the Simulcast Radio System; she will work with Jacque to finalize for Commissioner review. Commissioner Blain noted he talked to Sheryl Ann construction regarding gravel crushing; they have not started yet. Shannon will work on addendum to contract to extend the crushing deadline to June 1.
Commissioner Blain noted the creek bank on Cottonwood Road creek after the channel was changed with the 2011 floods; he will call GreatWest Engineering to get an engineering estimate for bank stabilization to consider for next year’s budget.
10:30 Steve Reiter from AARP joined the meeting.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve claims for march 2018; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Red Lodge Area Community Foundation representatives George Mann, Therese Picasso-Edwards, Tracy Timmons, and Don Redfoot, Steve Reiter from AARP, Kathy Kenyon, Wanda Kennicott, and Kathy Munson met with Commissioners for the presentation of the AARP Network of Age Friendly Communities Membership plaque to Carbon County. Commissioner Blain read Resolution 2018-08 Supporting Age Friendly Communities Initiatives. Commissioner DeArmond moved to adopt Resolution 2018-08; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Steve presented letter and plaque to Commissioners to welcome Carbon County as the 213th Age Friendly Community in the United States and as the 2nd Age Friendly Community in Montana. Don Redfoot discussed his relationship with the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation and history of AARP employment.
April 5, 2018 (cont.)
Carbon County has an older population compared to the rest of the State and US: 50% of Carbon County’s population is 50 years or older compared to 40% in the rest of the State and 33% of the US population; 25% of Carbon County’s population is 65 years or older compared to 17% in the rest of the State and 14% of the US population. Tracy Timmons discussed the Red Lodge Community Foundation’s efforts to date including conducting evaluations throughout the County to help determine needs and how to go forward. The evaluations determined that transportation is a top need across all age sectors. The Foundation has received a $32,000 grant from Montana Department of Transportation to develop a transportation plan; the grant requires an $8,000 match. Other items the Foundation has worked on include: the creation and maintenance of the Carbon County Connect Services Directory, training volunteer navigators to help residents fill out public assistance applications to help fill the gap left when the Office of Public Assistance closed, and a regular newsletter.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant