April 9, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          9:15 Road Superintendent Shawn Mains met with Commissioners to discuss road maintenance issues. They discussed the cost for dust control application and gravel crushing volumes to go out for bid. The Commissioners and Shawn will take a tour of County Roads April 17, 20, and 21 to prioritize road and bridge projects for the 2016 fiscal year and to finalize gravel volumes for each district. Commissioner Prinkki noted that he has had issues with Century Link not wanting to move their data lines for the West Fork Road Project.

          Commissioner Grewell moved to relinquish the old alignment easement to realign Farewell Road to the Hoferer Family Ranch Inc. per the November 14, 2013 Agreement (13-55); Commissioner Tucker second; motion carried.    

          10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners to discuss County Business. Commissioner Tucker received a complaint from Bridger Police Chief regarding the increased dispatch cost for 2015-2016 due to the Simulcast Communications Project. Alex noted that Earth Justice has signed an agreement to schedule briefing on motions filed in the Silvertip Zoning case and will have a response to Carbon County’s Motion to Dismiss by April 27th. A hearing on the Silvertip Zoning case is tentatively set for June 4th at 1:30pm.

          10:30 Harry Heimer met with Commissioners to discuss Tuttle Road and Tuttle Rd. Bridge. Commissioner Prinkki presented documents showing that the bridge and road past that bridge had been abandoned. The Red Lodge road crew does sometimes use the bridge to turn equipment around and the County is willing to supply some bridge planking for repairs. For the County to take ownership of the road and bridge would require a petition from landowners.

          11:00 Commissioners attended the Airport Board meeting. Wally Zook moved to approve the February 5, 2015 Airport Board meeting minutes; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

     11:50 John Husar met with Commissioners to update them on Mud Springs Wind Project. Currently he is working with Power Engineers on sage grouse mitigations and the Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks has assisted by providing sage grouse data. All but two leases for the project are active. Mr. Husar asked the Commissioners what options are available for tax reductions. Commissioner Prinkki suggested that the corporation could apply for a New or Expanding Industry Tax Abatement. Mr. Husar is concerned that with the taxes, which are estimated to be roughly $450,000 after federal renewable energy credits, the project cost may put the energy cost above what Pacific Corp has agreed to pay.

          12:00 Commissioners attended the DUI Task Force meeting.



