August 16, 2018
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present. Commissioner Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond was meeting with the Montana Department of Transportation regarding the Chance Road Bridge replacement project.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Red Lodge Foreman Eric Walker met with Commissioners to discuss road operations. Eric and Commissioners discussed implementing formal procedures so the County is doing things more uniformly in each district and training employees from each shop to work on the new paver. They also discussed training for the shop foreman especially the new foreman in Bridger and Joliet. Commissioners requested Eric start to develop a Foreman training program for the county to use going forward.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners. They discussed the City Court Agreement that the City of Red Lodge tabled again at Tuesdays City Council meeting; the Council would not agree to the indemnification clause. Shannon noted frustrations with scheduling conflicts between Justice and City Courts and the time demand City Court requires of Judge Nichols. Commissioner Bullock moved to rescind the motion from Commissioners May 24, 2018 meeting to approve the City Court Agreement with Town of Red Lodge and to send a letter noting the County’s 90-day notice to withdraw from the agreement;Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Commissioner Blain moved to approve claims for August 2018 early check run; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioners proceedings for July 19, 23, 26, 30; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to appoint Sam Kallevig to the open full-time Road Crew position; Commissioner Blain seconded motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to eliminate the temporary road crew position as the member who was on medical leave has fully returned to work; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Commissioner Robert “Pits” DeArmond joined the meeting
Airport Board meeting. Merrill Pfeifer, Willis Coffman, and Lonnie Sanford were present. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the June 21, 2018 Airport Board minutes; Willis seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
