August 2, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
9:50 PD moved to accept the Treasurer’s Cash Report for July 2018; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners. They discussed Victim Witness funds that were transferred to Stillwater County; Carbon did not renew the Tri-County Victim Witness Program Agreement for the 2017-18 fiscal year. Commissioners will send a letter requesting funds be returned. 10:15 Sheriff Josh McQuillan joined the meeting. Sheriff McQuillan noted that radio system issues have gotten worse in recent weeks. Commissioner Bullock confirmed with Dunne Communications that it was possible to reinstall old QUANTAR repeaters and revert the radio system to a non-simulcast system if the issues were impeding operations. Sheriff McQuillan’s noted the coverage would not be resolved by reverting the system; he would prefer to keep the system as is until equipment can be replaced with a newly engineered system paid for primarily with Homeland Security Grant funds. The Sheriff is concerned that reverting the system could create another set of problems that dispatch is not familiar with. The Sheriff also noted that Deputies and other first responders have the ability to talk through individual tactical channels without any changes to the system which is the same process that would be used if the whole system was reverted. Commissioner Bullock requested the radio committee meetings resume or that the Sheriff or Tom Kohley give more regular updates at Commissioners meetings. Commissioner DeArmond noted he looked at an alternate site for the Bridger Radio Tower with DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley. The County would need an easement agreement with BLM to access the location. Alex noted he has not had any luck with Park Co. Wyoming Attorney’s Office to initiate an interlocal agreement for emergency services.
11:00 Steve Morgan and Brian West from Morgan Contractors met with Commissioners for Bridger Road Shop renovations bid opening. Bid received as follows:
Shop Renovations – Bridger: Morgan Contractors $85,600 less $2,608 for an alternate sand oil separator.
Shop Toilet Renovations – Bridger: Morgan Contractors $15,220 with no voluntary substitutions; Petersen Building, Inc $9,634.75. Petersen Building’s Proposal was not received in a sealed envelope and was not presented on the Proposal as required in the project manual; it was not considered as a valid proposal.
11:20 Commissioners discussed the overlapping full-time positions budgeted for the Road/Bridge department with an employee retiring this spring. Commissioner DeArmond moved to open internal advertisement for the Full-Time position; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings from July 12 and 16, 2018; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Commissioners attended a Transportation Committee Meeting.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer