August 22, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Melinda Cowger met with Commissioners to provide comments on the Red Lodge Mountain Land Exchange (attached).

9:00 Commissioner Grewell moved acceptance of Beartooth Billings Clinic Agreement for Public Health Services from September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners responded to an email from Hank Nowak regarding the condition of Cole Creek Rd. Mr. Nowak was advised to come to Public Comment period or agenda a time to meet with the commission to discuss his concerns.

9:30 Commissioners noted they do not have concerns with the Red Lodge Mountain Land Exchange and support the project. Commissioner Prinkki discussed the Greater Red Lodge Area Vegetation Management Project. The Forest Service has withdrawn the filing to address the lynx issue and will refile at a later date.

Commissioner Tucker moved to support the land exchange between the Forest Service and Red Lodge Mountain; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Commissioners reviewed the Building Maintenance and Capital Improvement List.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant