August 28, 2017
Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Gordon Sirrine was present.
8:50 Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols met with Commissioners to discuss ADA accessibility to his office. Meeting was closed to discuss a personnel issue.
9:30 Meeting reopened to public.
Bill Pronovost met with Commissioners regarding Multi-County Mutual Aid Agreement – Disaster, Emergency, and/or Incident Assistance with Stillwater, Golden Valley, and Sweet Grass counties. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Mutual Aid Agreement; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to amend the Computer, Internet, and Email Policy to include Social Media language as recommended by MACo; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
10:15 Commissioners discussed budget. Community and Senior programs requested a 4% increase and the Area II Agency on Aging match decreased. Commissioners decided to keep Community and Senior program funding at the previous year’s rate and to only provide the match required by the Area II Agency on Aging.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant