August 30, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Sanitarian Josh Juarez met with Commissioners to review the DPHHS licensed inspection report received last week. Josh noted he is much better on track to meeting the 90% inspections required by the contract. He has performed 88 inspections already this year; only 91 were completed in 2017. Josh noted 84 of 85 listed Public Accommodations are vacation rentals and only require an inspection when they are opened. Unfortunately, the way they are listed on the DPHHS report shows all 85 facilities when only 1 requires an annual inspection; the will show 100% at end of the year but show as outstanding inspections on the quarterly reports. Josh noted he has also performed 6 new vacation rental inspections this year and any vacation rental is subject to a subsequent inspection if there is a complaint. Bulk of remaining inspections are mostly retail food and all are in Red Lodge. Average inspection is 2- 4 hours with travel. Josh noted he still has to complete the Rock Creek Resort inspection which is an all-day inspection and encompasses 7 licenses. Has had a significant increase in retail food establishments which has affected his quota of other inspections. Josh anticipates an increase in septic inspections in the next month with the construction season wrapping up. Josh confirmed that if an establishment is not inspected in 2018 they will be first on the list in 2019. Josh also noted he is working on backup protocols with Riverstone Health in Billings for emergency issues or to cover time sensitive things when Josh is on leave.
9:00 Codan representatives Rick Felt, Don Brown, and Cliff Peck met with Commissioners to present radio system engineering solution. Civil Deputy Attorney Jacque Papez, DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Deputy Kelly Carrington, Tom Dunne from Dunne Communications, and Mark Holler from Bridger Fire were present. Kohley noted the existing system is still having performance and quality issues; Industrial Communications and Electronics is addressing those issues with frequent system resets roughly two times per week. Rick discussed the history of Codan Communications and noted radio systems are one portion of their varied business profile; they have support from a number of other industries. Don presented the components of Codan’s radio solution and some challenges to the originally configured system including the addition of P25 capabilities for the law channel. Don reviewed the coverage maps for the proposed system. The system removes the Red Lodge Mountain repeater and utilizes the State’s Shane Ridge radio tower site. With the location of the new Bridger Tower not settled, the coverage maps may change. Don noted the system will allow for growth should the County decide to add a tower to get better coverage in the south east part of the County along Highway 310.

9:30 Deputy County attorney Shannon Foley joined the meeting. Tom Dunne noted the County will need to upgrade antennas to improve microwave links for the system; many of the antennas in the originally configured system were not long enough and the existing microwave link is usable but not ideal. Rick presented the pricing proposal at the NASPO contract price of $396,867.32. This figure includes servers and their hardware, RAID P25 Voting, the simulcast software applications, the operating system, UPS, miscellaneous cables, and the cost of installation. Don confirmed that existing mobile and handheld radios will all work with the system but may require re-programming. Tom Kohley noted $106,000 Homeland Security Grant funding is available to fund the project. Angela noted there is roughly $90,000 in 911 and Communications Capital Improvement funds that could also be used to help pay for the project. Tom Dunne noted there will be additional costs to upgrade antennas and install the surplus Quantar Repeaters for Road Department use. Commissioners discussed financing for the project noting the potential liability with the current system.
Commissioner Blain moved to accept the proposal from Codan Radio Communications pending approval of the contract and project financing; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
11:10 Commissioners discussed the On-Call Engineering Services Request for Proposals. Brent Moore from Interstate Engineering was present. Commissioner Blain had a tie between GreatWest and Interstate Engineering. Commissioner Bullock noted his scores between Interstate and GreatWest were also very close; he was concerned about the size of Triple Tree Engineering. Commissioner DeArmond had a slight preference for Interstate Engineering based on their location and local presence. Brent noted the firm is very interested in the contract and plan to expand their operations in Red Lodge regardless of the Commissioners decision today; Brent noted they have recently added a Professional Engineer to their Red Lodge office. Commissioner DeArmond moved to accept the On-Call Engineering Services proposal from Interstate Engineering; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:50 Commissioner Bullock moved to remove personal property with geocodes 10-0273-05-2-04-06-4004, 10-0273-05-2-04-06-4007, 10-0272-01-2-04-05-4001 from tax rolls as the houses have been burned down; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve service agreement with MGC Consultants to amend the Hash Gravel Pit permit and to review the Bishoff Gravel Pit permit; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners discussed the radio system proposal with DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley. Commissioners noted for the record that the costs associated with proposed radio system project will not be charge to municipalities as part of the dispatch contract formula.

Commissioner Bullock moved to mill a 2-mill emergency levy in accordance with 10-3-405 MCA to assist with the costs of repairs from spring flooding; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried unanimously.

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
