January 21, 2016

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                  January 21, 2016           Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.           8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.           Commissioners received a letter from Rex Koch…

January 14, 2016

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                  January 14, 2016           Commissioners John Grewell and John Prinkki were present.           8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.           9:00 County Attorney’s meeting was cancelled as Alex was…

January 11, 2016

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                  January 11, 2016           Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.           8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.           Commissioners discussed draft letter regarding the Mud…

January 7, 2016

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                  January 7, 2016           Commissioners Doug Tucker and John Grewell were present. Commissioner John Prinkki was attending a meeting in Helena to discuss the Mud Springs Wind…

January 4, 2016

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                  January 4, 2016           Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.           8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.           9:00 Commissioner Tucker moved to enter into…

December 31, 2015

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                  December 31, 2015           Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.           8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.           John Husar met with Commissioners to update…

December 28, 2015

COMMISSIONERS’ PROCEEDINGS                   December 28, 2015           Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.           8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.           Commissioner Grewell moved to appoint Shawn Mains…