December 17, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioners attended the Montana Association of Counties Elected Official Training in Helena December 8-11. Commissioners discussed the feedback received following the December 5th meeting regarding detention facility planning. Commissioners agreed it would be beneficial to hold an evening meeting in Joliet to discuss the Stevens detention facility land proposal. The meeting will be December 18th at the Joliet Community Center starting at 6:00pm.
Emily and Charles Ringer met with Commissioners for Public Comment period to discuss the detention facility being located in Joliet. Emily noted in all the time she has been on Joliet City Council the town has had issues with water. Emily presenting some information from the Bureau of Mines regarding well monitoring. Noted sand stone formations make accessing water within the town difficult. She also noted that a significant portion of the aquifer’s recharge comes from flood irrigation. Joliet’s Capital Improvement Plan includes significant costs related to well maintenance. Emily expressed concerns regarding the long term effects of a detention facility to Joliet’s water infrastructure.
8:51 Mary Cameron and Diane Dimich joined the meeting.
Commissioners discussed property north of Beartooth Electric. Parcel has some access issues. Emily also noted town in litigation for property that houses their water tank. Ringers noted they see the need for the facility and wished the Commissioners good luck communicating the need to the public.
9:05 Lee Richard met with commissioners to propose the old Valley Federal Credit Union in Fromberg for a detention facility site. The lot is 21,000 sq ft.
9:10 Board appointments. Commissioners had quite a few vacancies to get confirmations on. They would like to postpone appointments so they can do them all together.
9:30 Commissioners discussed the Bridger Foreman pickup. Repairs are estimated to be more than the truck is worth; funds for Red Lodge Road sand shed will be diverted to pay for a new truck and to accommodate higher than expected costs for Red Lodge’s quick coupler.

9:40 Commissioner DeArmond left the meeting for another appointment.
10:00 Betsy Scanlin met with Commissioners; she wanted to confirm interest in being reappointed to the Planning Board.
Commissioner Blain noted a phone call he received from Janney Webber regarding the Detention Facility. She would like to make sure the County is designing the facility with mental health issues in mind and other programs to limit recidivism. Commissioner Bullock noted he had a similar conversation with committee member Dennise Rivette last week. Commissioners agreed they would like to include those services, but are most concerned with fulfilling their statutory “duty of building, operating, inspecting, and repairing the detention center” as outlined in 7-32-2204(2) MCA.
Commissioners received a detention facility land proposal from Dennis and Kathleen Kreatz for property near the Red Lodge airport. The parcel is 22,000 sq ft and they believe the estimated value is $60,000.
Commissioners discussed road operations and HR issues; Commissioners would like to contemplate making the commissioner position part-time to pay for establishing a road superintendent position again.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve November 19 and 21 Commissioners’ Proceedings; Commissioner Blain seconded motion carried.
11:00 Safety Committee Meeting. Annie Gillespie, Nikki Bailey, Pam Schwend, Tessa Brangers, Lola Ashby, Lori Lynde, Cortney Lynde, Tom Kohley, and Rick Martin were present.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
