December 21, 2017
Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Gordon Sirrine was present.
9:00 Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley and Civil Deputy Jacque Papez met with Commissioners. DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with attorneys and Commissioners to discuss the radio system. He has been tracking daily test pages and radio quality since April. Has also had Dispatch start log documenting calls to Industrial to address radio issues.
9:15 Red Lodge Mayor Elect Bill Larson joined meeting. Noted work at Two-Mile Bridge is for City’s Force main project.
Tom informed Commissioners there will be an exercise training with the National Guard’s Civil Support Team on January 17th. Tom also presented a grant extension request for the Montana Land Information Act (MLIA) grant; Commissioners signed the extension request.
9:25 Victim Advocate Tessa Brangers and Red Lodge City Council Representative Anna Drew met with Commissioners regarding City of Red Lodge Interlocal Agreement for Victim/Witness Advocate Services. Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Red Lodge for Victim Witness Advocate Services; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
9:40 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting. He discussed the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Red Lodge for the Administration of Cemetery District No. 8 – Red Lodge; Alex approved the version of the agreement passed by Council on the 12th.
Commissioner Tucker attempted to reach Sheryl Ann construction again regarding the gravel crushing contract; the company continues to be non-responsive.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve meeting minutes from November 29 and 30; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Interlocal Agreement for Administration of Cemetery District No. 8 – Red Lodge with changes approved by City Council at their December 12 meeting; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:10 Election Admin Macque Bohleen joined meeting.

Commissioners received call back from Sheryl Ann’s Rick McDaniel regarding gravel crushing. Noted having issues with gravel stock asked to touch base in early January regarding status. Reminded him contract requires crushing to be completed by 4/1/17. The Contract was awarded in July 2017.
10:30 Election admin Macque Bohleen presented Cemetery No 8. – Red Lodge Election Canvas. Commissioner Tucker moved to accept canvas; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Commissioner Blain moved to adopt resolution 2017-18 to Order the Creation of Cemetery District No. 8 Red Lodge; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to appoint members to respective boards as detailed on list (below); Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
• Rockvale Cemetery Dist. 1, three-year term – Charles Williams
• Bridger Cemetery Dist. 2, three-year term – Harvy Nott
• Joliet Cemetery Dist. 3, three-year term – Larry Vukonich
• Belfry Cemetery Dist. 4, three-year term – Jim Peters
• Roscoe Cemetery Dist. 5, three-year term – Dean Arthun
• Roberts Cemetery Dist. 6, three-year term (two positions available) – Tyler Allen, Wes Hill; one-year term (remainder of term through 12/31/17) -DeeAnn Devries
• Luther Cemetery Dist. 7, three-year term – Alvin Ellis III
• Clarks Fork Valley TV District #1, three-year term (two positions available), – Dianne Giesick and Wally Lindgren
• Carbon County Compensation Board, Bridger District, three-year term – Pam Christ
• Edgar Sewer Board, three-year term (two positions) – Ken Metzger, Sara Mahoney
• Fair Board At Large, three-year term – Doug Whitney; Red Lodge District, three-year term – Waylon Boggio
• Whitehorse Fire #8, three-year term (three available) – Kyle Hoferer, Kevin Wilkerson, Levi Muhs
• Historic Preservation Commission, two-year term Dave Arthun
• Planning Board Red Lodge Commissioner District, two-year term – Skip Bratton; County At Large, two-year term – Betsy Scanlin; County At Large, remainder of term through 12/31/18 – Lance Frank
• Red Lodge/Roberts Ambulance District, County At Large, three-year term – Chris Devries
• Tax Appeal, Bridger Commissioner District, three-year term – Kathy Mudd
• Weed Board Red Lodge Commissioner District, three-year term – JO Hash
• Weed Board County At Large, three-year term – Jason Oswald

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant
