10 Oakes Ave S

Carbon County Emergency Management

Cyrina Allen, Emergency Manager


Local Plans


Carbon County Emergency Management: Disaster & Emergency Services

Carbon County Emergency Management is the agency responsible for coordinating comprehensive emergency management in Carbon County. We build, sustain, and improve our ability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate hazards.


  • Prepare for, coordinate, and implement emergency and disaster functions (preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation) to ensure continuity of government and operations, survival of the populace, and reduction of human suffering and property damage.
  • Establish, develop, and coordinate with multiple agencies the county-wide DES program for emergency response.
  • Conduct both exercises and testing of emergency plans and warning systems, as well as provide public education and training programs.
  • Respond to emergency incidents and hazardous materials incidents in Carbon County.
  • Work with the sheriff’s office, elected officials, and first responders in evacuations, as well as maintain shelters and inform the community of facts during emergency situations.
  • Establish and manage the EOC, as well as inform and advise the Carbon County Board of Commissioners, mayors, and other entities responsible for emergency management.
  • Act as liaison related to local, state, and federal agencies.
  • Manage or act as a media source through public information.
  • Prepare and manage funding grants with reporting requirements to the Carbon County Board of Commissioners and the State of Montana DES.
  • Serve as the designated department for writing, reviewing, and maintaining the Carbon County Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (to include the Hazmat Plan, Distribution Plan, and the Continuity of Government and Operations Plan), along with the Carbon County Emergency Operations Plan.
  • Serve as Chairperson of the Carbon County Local Emergency Planning Committee.


The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for maintaining Carbon County’s emergency services system, including the four phases of emergency management: preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.

Emergency Management Functions

This is a continuous process of planning, organizing/equipping, training, exercising, and evaluating/improving that ensures the regular examination of threats, hazards, and risks. Preparedness priorities are developed to ensure that the needed preparedness elements are incorporated through this cycle.


The mitigation function includes identifying the hazards that threaten our communities in Carbon County and supporting the measures needed to reduce and avoid impacts to property and life safety.


The response function includes coordinating operational response at the local level for any incident, emergency, or disaster, which can include working with multiple departments at the state and federal level.

This phase helps support both individuals and communities affected by disasters in their recovery efforts, along with mitigating future incidents.

Get Involved

Keeping each other safe during times of emergency is up to all of us. If you would like to get involved, you can do so by becoming a volunteer or enrolling for emergency notifications.

Register to volunteer.

Enroll for voice, text, and email emergency notification messages.