February 11, 2016
Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to brief them on the table top exercise at Joliet School last night. The table top exercise focused on lock in procedures with a potential intruder situation while fire alarms were going off. There was a good turnout from emergency responders and other participants.
8:40 John Husar met with Commissioners to discuss the Mud Springs Wind Project. The project has received the preliminary eagle study report from West Inc., Cheyenne WY; 42 eagle nests were identified and they are currently in the process in taking pictures of nest sites.
Ed Webb from Project Telephone met with Commissioners to request a reduction in Encroachment Fees. Commissioners will review encroachment fees at a later date and get back to him.
9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met with Commissioners to discuss County business. They discussed a vehicle accident that damaged a bridge and restitution for the damage. They also discussed sending a letter to EverPower regarding the Mud Springs Wind Project Impact Fee that is due; it is the County Attorney’s assessment that nothing is preventing the county from requesting the full impact fee allowed under law.
Commissioner Grewell moved to issue Reduction in Force for Deputy County Attorney positon as those duties will be filled on a contract basis; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Public Hearing for Flood Plain Resolution update for Letters of Map Revision (LOMR); Sanitarian Josh Juarez and Monica Plecker were present. Receiving no public comments John Grewell moved to adopted the updated Flood Plain Resolution; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried (Resolution 2016-03).
9:45 Commissioner Tucker left the meeting to attend a funeral.
Monica and Josh also updated Commissioners on floodplain administration transition; they are on schedule for Josh to take over administration of the Floodplain Regulations in March.
Commissioner Grewell noted that Shawn Mains has settled into the Joliet Road Foreman position and is doing a good job; he is getting caught up on projects that have been on the back burner.
10:00 Sanitarian Josh Juarez met with Commissioners for his six-month probation review. Lola Ashby was present. Josh presented suggested additions to his position description for specific licensing requirements. Commissioner Grewell moved to accept the proposed changes to Sanitarian / Floodplain Administrator job description; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried. Commissioner Grewell moved the successful completion of Josh Juarez’s probationary period as of February 16, 2016 and noted that he has added professionalism to the office that has been needed; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried. On behalf of the Clerk & Recorder’s Office Lola noted how much they appreciate Josh’s professionalism and interactions with the public. She noted he is a pleasure to work with and he makes their jobs easier.
Commissioner Grewell moved to approve of Commissioners’ minutes from January 21st and 25th; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for January 2016; Commissioner Prinkki second; motion carried.
Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Justice Court End of Period Disbursement for January 2016; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Beartooth Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) representatives Earl Atwood, Joel Bertolino, and Sue Taylor met with Commissioners. Sue noted funding has increased from state agencies and may require additional contributions from counties for the match requirement in the 2017 contract. Commissioner Grewell asked if the building in Joliet they are renting from the county is being credited as an in-kind match contribution; RC&D will explore how that benefit can be used for match. Sue noted she has been working with the Red Lodge Community Foundation on the Old Roosevelt School revitalization project and has been involved in a revitalization project in Fromberg. She is also and looking at developing website templates for incorporated communities to improve their web presence; online surveys will be conducted to evaluate interest and resources of towns for the project. Joel has been working with Red Lodge Ales to develop a hard cider product. He has also been working in partnership with Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) on water conservation and sustainable practices guidelines for sugar beet and barley growers in Big Horn, Yellowstone, and Carbon counties. The Revolving Loan Fund has four (4) active loans in Carbon County for a total of $171,000; this year RC&D has had increased activity in the fund and has seen an increase in loans being completed.
Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Memorandum of Understanding for 2016 Economic Development Coordinator; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Prinkki noted Earl’s work with Custer Gallatin Working Group has been very valuable. RC&D noted that a window on the building was broken out and has been replaced; the court has required restitution for the vandalism. RC&D will also be using building fund resources to replace the front door and install cipher locks in the building.
11:00 Extension Agent Nikki Bailey, Dan Mydland, Marcella Manuel, Chrissy Frank, and Kevin Weimer met with Commissioners to discuss Fair Board organization. The Commissioners received emails from Roxy Reed and Maggy Hiltner requesting a 4H representative be added to the board. Commissioner Grewell noted there are no bylaws that dictate board membership. Commissioners presented draft documents and guidance for the Board to create bylaws. Marcella noted she would like to see formal representation from 4H leadership; Carbon County has the 8th largest 4H program in the state and as FFA has a voting representative she believes 4H should have equal representation on the board. Commissioners noted that they are formalizing their board applicant process and plan to gather more information from prospective board members and conduct interviews when a position has multiple applicants. Commissioners requested the Board create bylaws for the Commission to consider and approve.
Also discussed Fair Grounds Keeper position and if a new employee should be hired or if the position should be contracted. Current employee Jerry Ballard has set a tentative resignation date in August.
11:55 Commissioner Grewell moved to accept the bid from Timberline Contracting for replacement of East Pryor Road Bridge and to move forward with project contracts; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Prinkki moved to appoint Betsy Scanlin as an At Large Representative to the Carbon County Planning Board for a two year term ending December 31, 2017; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant