February 14, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
8:45 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen met to discuss Red Lodge and Fromberg’s expectations regarding emergency management and response from DES within the municipality. Allen confirmed that her role is to coordinate State and local response with the County and Municipalities when the disaster exceeds the capacity of the local jurisdiction; the County and County DES are not responsible for emergency management and planning, that is the responsibility of each municipality. Allen noted she is happy to provide resources to help municipal staff and officials in their planning efforts.
9:00 Commissioner Scott Blain joined the meeting. Truman Neprud with Tractor and Supply Company and Matt Eaton with RDO Equipment Co. met with Commissioners for Motor Grader Bid Opening. Two bids were received as follows:
RDO: John Deere 2024 872GP $462,000; less trade $95,000; Total $367,000 including rear ripper. Premium Circle Option $15,000
Tractor and Equipment Co.: Caterpillar 2024 160 M3 $467,900; less trade of $122,890; Total $345,010 plus; Snow wing $7,022 to transfer current JD to new machine; $23,280 rear ripper.
Commissioners will review bids and award at a later date.
Red Lodge City Judge HeDoesIt joined the meeting.
9:10 Commissioners discussed establishing policies and procedures in relation to Commissioners’ meetings and personnel management.
9:35 Meeting closed to discuss HR issue.
10:12 Deputy Clerk and Recorder Piney Helmuth met with Commissioners for the PCT Renewal with the Montana Association of Counties. Commissioners reviewed schedule. Discussed leased grader.
9:55 meeting reopened
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Red Lodge City Judge HeDoesIt, Dave Armstrong and Kara Padilla-Jablarski from Beta Alternatives, met to discuss the Alternatives Services agreement. Discussed Sheriff’s budget obligation for monitoring.

McQuillan noted the county spends approximately $15,000 annually for monitoring services in addition to the $36,000 annual contract. Discussion about cost of bringing internally; McQuillan noted it is clear that inhouse program would cost a bit more but provides other benefits to the department. McQuillan noted historically non-County residents can be serviced by Alternatives in their home counties; discussion of continuing to offer this with alternatives. Nixon noted continued issues with limited jail access and the desire to be more self-sufficient and have more control of the program. Armstrong noted reducing utilization of the services may force Alternatives to evaluate whether the loss of revenue will affect their ability to continue to provide services. McQuillan recounted equipment costs for 10 SCRAM, 5 GPS, 10 Remote Breath units; noted if brought in house would need to add staff to manage and work with third party when violations are reported. HeDoesIt noted City’s work with Alternatives and other entities for Yellowstone or other non-Carbon County residents. McQuillan and HeDoesIt noted recent issue where Alternatives staff had a conflict of interest and required a County resident to travel to Stillwater or Yellowstone County for monitoring. McQuillan noted the lack of flexibility and consideration was problematic for the County/City. Bullock and Blain asked for options and associated costs: keep contract as is, cost for hybrid model with a contract for non-Carbon residents, and option for full in-house services. Armstrong noted without continuation of the current agreement, Alternatives would likely not be able to sustain in county staff, substance se treatment program, or the Sheriff’s Office community service program. Nixon asked for clarification of volume of clients that are in vs. out of County residents.
11:00 Bullock moved to approve employee time as submitted; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Justice Court Reconciliation Report for January; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings from January 24 and 26th; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Tim Jager and Levi Van Buggenum from the ARETE Design Group, Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering,and Sheriff Josh Mcquillan met with Commissioners regarding Cedarwood Scope of Work. Jager discussed preliminary design work, space needs for offices, and eventual evaluation of current buildings. Jager noted desire to evaluate / update space needs assessment done in 2018. Levi noted intent of County regarding programmed spaces, verify those items, and establish a budget.

Van Buggenum noted process for preliminary design and ranking of difficulty level for remodel phasing. Bullock would like the 2018 space needs assessment be used as baseline. Bullock noted Courthouse shortcomings for current offices. Blain noted the need for plan for Cedarwood remodel and a plan for what will be done with vacated and retained buildings. Discussion about retention of Court House and challenges that will remain. Discussion about leniencies for non-compliant issues to continue. Discussion about a larger facilities master planning effort and establishing priorities to “get items across the finish line.” This will help to ensure current efforts are for fulfillment of a larger plan. Bullock noted Court accessibility is his priority. Moore suggested that considerations be make for temporary employee housing. Discussion about how to provide information to public and how to best keep them appraised of the progress. Bullock noted news release, Blain noted need for background on why the building is needed. Next steps: ARETE memorializes spaces to bring into Cedar Wood building and quantify special requirements; develop space plan; discuss interface between departments and what resources are shared to better define space plan. Van Buggenum discussed delaying the conversation on use of existing buildings until we can determine what offices Cedar Wood can accommodate and what remodel phasing may look like. Also discussed the salt shed for Red Lodge Road and Bridger Shop expansion.
12:00 Lunch

1:00 Airport Board. Bo Ewald, Steve Smith, Mark Derudder, Jeff Wise, Gary Harem, Heather Quinn, and Marie Olsen were present.


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer