February 15, 2024
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
8:40 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen in to discuss 2023 flood repairs and possible fire remediation funding to help with Bearcreek’s Spring Boxes and mitigation for County Roads that are continuing to be affected by erosion issues from the Robertson Draw Fire. Discussed the project on Pryor Mountain Road, challenges with permitting the work; and consideration of withdrawing the project.
9:00 Human Resources Administrator Kate Asbury met to review employees’ time status.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Dave Westwood joined for his regular meeting Denise Rivette was in attendance. Discussed Airport Boundary, including the removal of the area where the City’s water pump is and the Commissioners’ proposal to include the area between the ditch and fence west of the runway. Discussion of lease revenues for that area and if the area is included in Airport boundary revenues would come back to the Airport Board. Westwood would like to have an MOU directly with the Rodeo Association to replace the Airport lease and possibly zone the area as a park. Discussion of the Airport Board not having authority over the area. Discussion of the land north of the Airport in the Runway Protection Zone where an apartment complex was proposed; Westwood is expecting a decision on the Motion for Summary Judgement in the next month over the development denial. Discussion of land acquisition to protect RPZ via the FAA program. Westwood noted would like to further discuss the disposition of the assets clause; the City is concerned that the current proposed language would require the County to be made whole regardless of which party cancels the agreement. Westwood believes protection of Rodeo parking was necessary; Bullock and Miller noted the desire is to preserve the event area to protect the Rodeo and events on those grounds into the future. Westwood was is in agreement.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular appointment. 10:10 Torston Prahl joined the meeting. Discussed Lover’s Lane Bid submission. Commissioners updated Nixon on negotiations with Westwood on Airport Boundary and interlocal agreement. Nixon noted expect 3+ District Court trials through the remainder of the calendar year. Discussed the letter from the US Attorney’s Office. Nixon noted the MT Attorney General has also declined to review the complaint although there has not been formal correspondence to that effect.
February 15, 2024 (cont.)
10:30 DES Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Torston Prahl, Red Lodge Fire Chief Tom Kuntz, and Denise Rivette met regarding implementing an ambulance mill levy. Kuntz reviewed the results of a survey regarding ambulance services. Bullock moved to open a Public Hearing on ordering a referendum to Impose a Mill Levy for ambulance services; Blain seconded; motion carried. Discussion of the procedure to order a referendum, Kuntz noted survey results indicate that Ambulance services are desired county-wide and that there seems to be public support to pay for such services via a tax levy. Miller asked for clarification of what services will be provided if the levy is passed. Kuntz noted levy does not pay for round-the-clock response for all three services, but would support the current volunteer response organizations in the county. The mill may allow for some paid administrative support staff, provide stipends to encourage volunteer recruitment and retention, and help with equipment replacements. Kuntz noted in the Red Lodge District the mill levy will reduce or stop cuts, but it is not likely to increase services. Discussed allocation of funds, and management via an administrative board vs. being administered directly by the County.
Bullock moved to close the public hearing; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2024-13 Intent to Order Referendum to Establish a County Ambulance Levy; Blain seconded; Kuntz thanked Commissioners; motion carried.
11:00 Bullock moved to approve the Sheriff’s Office Copier Maintenance Agreement; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Miller noted will be doing a site visit for the Bishoff Gravel Pit reclamation.
11:30 Sanitarian Barbara Krizek met regarding the Spry Contract. Bullock moved to approve the agreement; Blain seconded; Krizek noted the only change from last year was to alter the fee schedule; motion carried.
Krizek would like the County Attorney to review the revised Wastewater Regulations before they are presented to the Board of Health. Discussion of Attorney turnaround. Krizek noted with her planned vacation schedule, she will endeavor to perform the work within regularly scheduled hours rather than overtime. Discussion of using Birkelo for supplemental assistance on a weekly basis for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Bullock moved to approve minutes for February 1; Blain seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
