February 25, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Weed Coordinator Brian Ostwald met with Commissioners regarding providing weed control and overseeing the City of Red Lodge’s weed program; Brian has not yet met with the City this year, but they had made the inquiry last year. Brian noted he would like a county position on the City’s non-compliance. County Attorney Alex Nixon participated via phone. Brian noted the City did not do any weed control last year and failed to implement their weed control programs. Brian is concerned that again this year they will not address noxious weed issues. Brian noted the Towns of Joliet and Bridger have hired the County Weed Department to do their spraying in the past. Brian asked if he sprayed City property and billed the City what leverage does he have to get the bill paid. Brian and Commissioner Bullock will attend tomorrow’s Red Lodge City Council meeting to bring up the issue.
9:30 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve meeting minutes from February 4th and 7th, 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Justice Court Disbursement report for January 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the BLM Cooperative Radio Frequency Use Agreement; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Commissioners met with Jerry Wolf from Rocky Mountain Collage via phone regarding the ski race they held this weekend. Ticket costs were part of registration cost, but Rocky did not calculate the resort tax into the registration cost. They paid a total of $289 in tax. Commissioner Bullock asked if event has been held in past; Jerry noted it had. Commissioner Bullock noted the County does not want to open door to future resort tax relief requests. He explained the resort tax at Red Lodge Mountain can only be used for maintenance and improvements to road infrastructure for West Fork Road and the road to the mountain.
Commissioners reviewed the County’s social media policy; they would like to create a County Facebook page to help better inform the public about what is going on with the County.

12:00 Adjourned