January 12, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Discussion regarding surplus property, the Asset Disposal Policy, and possible adjustments to the policy when an item does not sell at auction. The Policy will be placed on the agenda for further discussion.
8:40 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen met to discuss Floodplain Administration. State DES is having issues connecting with Page regarding Mitigation Grant to pay for Floodplain Administration. Allen has drafted an application based on what was provided by Stillwater County. Commissioners approved the Mitigation Grant Application for Floodplain Administration.
9:00 Treasurer Lori Lynde met with Commissioners for her quarterly collateral report. Bullock moved to accept the Collateral Report as presented; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell met for her regular meeting. Discussed flood response.
10:00 Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen and Ray Kuntz met with Commissioners to discuss the request for the County to consent to allow Ken Burows to quiet title to the centerline of Clear Creek Rd. Bullock moved to approve DV 22-17 for Ken Burrows to acquire quiet Title to the center of the road; Blain seconded; Bullock noted Burrows would like property line to go to the middle of the county road as his neighbor’s parcels do, there will be no adjustments to the road easement; motion carried. Bohleen and Kuntz discussed the recording of documents so the action is reflected in the deed record.
Rolly Devries met with Commissioners and discussed gravel crushing and purchases.
Commissioners discussed request from Bohleen to increase pay for Helmuth now that she has been appointed a Deputy Clerk and Recorder.
11:00 Safety Committee Meeting. Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz, Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby, Treasurer Lori Lynde, Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Public Health Cynnamon Mitzel, and Katie Day were present. Discussed Safety Manual, Trainings, Incident/Accident Reports, and Building Inspections.
Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen noted discussion with Terry Durbin regarding flood response hierarchy. Commissioners agreed that attendance at the March LEPC table top exercise would be the most appropriate venue for the discussion.
Blain noted discussion with Lindgrens on Dietz pit. Terry (POA) for the estate, has noted that the family has no intention of the county leaving the Dietz Pit anytime soon and would like a lease executed to that effect. Blain will follow-up with Papez on the lease draft.
Bohleen joined meeting to discuss wage increase request for Piney Helmuth. Commissioners commended Helmuth’s skills and contributions to the County, but would prefer a slower step up in wage. Blain move to increase to 80% effective January 1, 2023 and bump to 85% at the fiscal year start 7/1/2023; Miller seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer