January 14, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Chip Bennett joined the meeting during the Public Comment Period out of concern for his elderly mother inquiring about the COVID-19 vaccines administered locally. Commissioner Bulllock detailed that the State is releasing approximately 100 vaccines/week and they are being administered in the priority order established for vulnerable populations and then down to the general population.

Commissioners and Sheriff McQuillan met yesterday to further discuss the proposed Detention Facility. Commissioner Blain questioned the $6.5M budgeted for site development quoted by Lombard Conrad Architects who is a sub-contractor under Spectrum Architects. Newell reported that since the County is contracted with Spectrum Architects, we are not bound by any contract with Lombard Conrad for Detention Facility construction and may bid out final design and construction if and when the time comes. Newell reported on her meeting yesterday with the Yellowstone County Detention Facility (YCDF) to compare operations and construction costs. Discussion regarding running an operating levy for a short-term to alleviate an operating budget shortfall. Commissioner Blain reported on his findings from his second-opinion inquiry with Sletten Construction regarding a construction estimate. McQuillan noted changes in design as recommended by YCDF. Commissioners cancelled last night’s Citizen Advisory Committee meeting to have more time to gather data for the next meeting.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Lease Agreement with Red Lodge Schools Wrestling; Commissioner Miller seconded; Newell detailed a reimbursement provision to the Fair Board from the school for clean-up or snow removal, if necessary; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock reported on a conversation he had with Gary Levine of Spectrum Architects regarding construction cost estimates for the proposed Detention Facility; Commissioners would like justification/details on $6.5M estimated for site preparation costs.

Discussion regarding Governor Greg Gianforte’s Executive Order 2-2021 issued yesterday rescinding former Governor Steve Bullock’s Executive Orders 2-2020 and 3-2020 addressing COVID-19 mitigation measures as pertaining to public gathering maximums and restricted restaurant/bar hours of operation. Limitations have been removed. The Governor stated that the masking order will remain in effect until the most vulnerable populations have been vaccinated and until he is presented with legislation protecting businesses and schools from lawsuits if they make a good faith effort to protect individuals from the spread of coronavirus and follow public health guidelines.

Commissioner Blain recounted a conversation he had with Red Lodge restauranteur Tom Kuntz regarding the COVID-19 CARES Act Employee Retention Tax Credit. Commissioners were not in support of placing local capacity/operating restrictions on restaurants.

9:00 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson met with Commissioners for an update. Discussion regarding local COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines, the proposed Detention Facility bond election, and the City pool re-model.

10:00 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met to present a revised draft Road District and Road Maintenance Priority map. Total miles for the Districts are: District 1=220, District 2=206, District 3=213. Priority 1 Road mileages between the Districts are approximately equal. Discussion about placing “No Winter Maintenance” signs on certain Priority 3 roads rather than closing them.

County Attorney Alex Nixon met to discuss on-going draft agreements. Commissioner Blain reported that no Interlocal Agreement will be required for the proposed Detention Facility for property annexation and that he will submit an Application for Enlargement of Services with the assistance of Brent Moore (Interstate Engineering).

Commissioner Miller moved to approve the Lease Agreement with City of Bridger for the Junk Vehicle graveyard; Commissioner Blain seconded; term is perpetual unless notice given as in the contract; motion carried.

12:00 Board of Health meeting. In attendance: County Health Officer Dr. Bill George; Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen; Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley; Sheriff Josh McQuillan; Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson; Mental Health Center Rod Ostermiller; Stacy Warehime; Grizzly Peak Veterinarian Becky Frank; contract COVID-19 Incident Management Team member Jason Mahoney; Dick Nolan; Assistant Superintendent Lori Kane; Beartooth Billings Clinic Holly Lucara; Deputy County Health Officer Dr. Greg Burfeind; Beartooth Billings Clinic Brandi Mains; Carbon County News Alastair Baker; Tracy Konoske; Public Health Nurse Roberta Cady; County Attorney Alex Nixon; Public Health Nurse Sheila Boggio. Meeting minutes from October 20, 2020 were approved (attached).

2:20 Treasurer Lori Lynde approached Commissioners asking for their advocacy in opposing House Bill 127.

Commissioners discussed the counter-offer provided by Stillwater County for contracted beds in the proposed Detention Facility. Commissioners responded to Stillwater County insisting that although they understand Stillwater’s desire to demonstrate a cost-savings to their constituents, Carbon County needs to arrange its revenues to ensure the facility can operate.

2:30 Adjourned.