January 19, 2021
Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Lisa Bennett joined the meeting with her home-school students Kit, Alex and Nicole Bennett for a Civics lesson.
9:30 Commissioner Blain moved to approve the conditional Memorandum of Understanding with Sweet Grass County regarding the proposed Detention Facility; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
The class departed the meeting to tour the Administration offices.
Discussion regarding the proposed Detention Facility. Commissioners concurred regarding negotiations for the draft Stillwater County Memorandum of Understanding. A revised and reduced cost model for construction has been received from Spectrum Architects. Newell provided operating cost projections based on various possible scenarios regarding size of the facility (number of beds) and percentage of beds occupied.
Commissioner Miller moved to approve Employee Time as submitted; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Tory Kolkhorst, Field Representative for Senator Steve Daines, joined the meeting for an update. Phil Nardinger joined the meeting. Topic discussed: the COVID-19 vaccination process; the background on the need to construct a County Detention Facility and what the Senator can do at his level regarding public safety and infrastructure/utility investment; cooperative projects with the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the U.S. Forest Service; Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) funds for road improvements needed for the two Eastside Road bridges; the Pryor Mountain Wind Project should be operational this year; the influx of out-of-state and Billings buyers in the local real-estate market since the onset of COVID-19; and the Red Lodge Airport seeking Federal aid in their Airport Improvement Program.
Red Lodge Rodeo Association President and Carbon County Fair Board President Phil Nardinger met to discuss the prospect of holding the 2021 Home of Champions Rodeo in the COVID-19 environment. Commissioners updated Nardinger that newly-elected Governor Greg Gianforte rescinded several of the COVID-19 Directives previously in place and detailed the County vaccination progress. The Governor announced today that the State is transitioning to vaccination Phase 1B which is available to Montanans 70 years of age and older, 16 to 69 years of age with a high-risk medical condition, and Native Americans and other persons of color who may be at elevated risk for COVID-19 complications. The Fair will hold an outside concert in August. Nardinger will plan on running the rodeo.
County Health Officer Dr. Bill George has rescinded his local COVID-19 Health Orders effective noon today; Carbon County health restrictions will default to the restrictions set by the State. The Board of Health is continuing to recommend that businesses and residents be diligent in slowing the spread of COVID-19 with personal responsibility for health and interactions.
12:10 Adjourned.