January 25, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Discussed marijuana shop in Roberts across from the school. Blain noted further discussion with Dept. of Revenue marijuana control division the 500’ rule only applies if the school and business are on the same street for their address. Blain would like to explore county regulations to so the distance is not subject to the State’s same street rule.
Miller moved; to approve the ARPA subgrantee award letter for Roberts Water and Sewer District; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Blain noted conversation in Billings Friday regarding Yellowstone County Detention Facility overcrowding; he noted the Department of Corrections is doing a better job of getting State inmates out, but there is still backlog. Noted staffing issues are a concern when contemplating an expansion. Governor Ginaforte will be in tomorrow to discuss detention and other issues.
10:00 Miller moved; Bullock seconded; to appoint board members as follows:
Cemetery Dist #1 Rockvale, Robert Williams, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #2 Bridger, Allen Althoff, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #4 Belfry, Edward Webb, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #5 Roscoe, Tom George, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #6 Roberts, Elta Ayre, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #6 Roberts, Tyler Allen, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #7 Luther, Josh O’Shea, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Cemetery Dist #8 Red Lodge, Leon Baranko, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Clarks Fork Valley TV Dist #1, Tina Kercheval, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Clarks Fork Valley TV Dist #1, Doreen Fusco, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Fair Dist. #1, Jillann Knutson, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Board of Health, Dick Nolan, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Historic Preservation Commission, Debbie Hull, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Planning District 3, Skip Bratton, 2-year term, Exp. 12/31/23
Planning At Large, Elizabeth Scanlin, 2-year term, Exp. 12/31/23
Red Lodge/Roberts Ambulance, Brook Million, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Tax Appeal, Kraig Krook, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Weed District, Kevin Krook, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Weed District, Mark Giesick, 3-year term, Exp. 12/31/24
Bridger Area Park District, Randy Novakovich, Exp. 5/31/24
Accounts Payable Clerk Piney Helmuth met with Commissioners regarding Liability Insurance schedules.
11:00 Public Health Director Erin Cross met with Commissioners for her monthly update. Discussed new guidance from DPHHS for contact tracing and COVID positive monitoring; universal contact tracing is no longer recommended and the focus has shifted to self-responsibility for testing and reporting with a focus on monitoring those with severe illness. Discussed Administrative Assistant hiring, office furniture, school nurse grant and upcoming meetings with schools, County Tribal Matching Grant Crisis Coalition Coordinator status.
12:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer