July 10, 2017

Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present at the Roberts Fire Hall.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Public Hearing Roberts Water and Sewer District Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Facilities Grant Application. Greg Lukasik GreatWest Engineering, Chris Devires, Rena Negaard, Dick Sedberg, Mary Hyvonen, Steve Keebler, Gordon Sirrine, Judy Shobb, William Abrahamsra, Valerie Eisner, and Richard Wallace were present. Greg presented an overview of the project which will reduce system infiltration from connections to the main at residences. A 2013 project replaced and lined collection mains and replaced manholes which reduced some of the infiltration. The District is looking at future replacements to the lagoon which will cost significantly less if there is less water flow into the system. At current flow rates, preliminary engineering reports estimate the cost of lagoon upgrades to be $4.0-6.0 Million (an increase to per user rates by $50/mo); eliminating the system infiltration could reduce cost of lagoon upgrades to $2.5-3.5 Million (an increase to per user rates by $25-35/mo). The Grant Application is for $450,000, approximately 69% of the total project cost of $652,700. The district plans to borrow from the State Resolving Fund (SRF) for the remainder of the project (an increase to per user rates by $1-6/mo depending on whether that loan is forgiven or not). Greg reviewed the project schedule; grant award results should be finalized in the Fall of 2017. If the project is awarded, each household would have to qualify based on household income. Households that are above the CDBG income threshold would have to be replaced using SRF funds. The cost per household is estimated to be $8,000. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2017-13 Authorizing the Submission of the Roberts Water and Sewer District CDBG Planning Grant Application; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried. Commissioner Tucker signed application paperwork.

8:40 Public Hearing for Environmental Assessment for CDBG Application. GreatWest Engineering has released a finding of no significant environmental impacts for the project.

8:55 Public Hearings closed. Commissioners returned to Red Lodge.

9:30 Meeting resumed at the Administration Building in Red Lodge. Commissioner John Grewell participated via video conference. Gordon Sirine was present. DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to discuss status of fire near Bridger. Requested Road Crew man equipment at the fire.

Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for June 2017; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.


10:10 Public Hearing Karina Floodplain appeal. Sanitarian Josh Juarez, Ken Karina, John Holdbrook, Fred Bernhardt, and Carol Willis were present. Josh reviewed the Floodplain Program noting that is a Federal Program that the County is required to administer for Carbon County to participate in the Federal Flood Insurance Program. As a Federal program, the County must follow the regulations outlined by FEMA; non-compliance can jeopardize flood insurance county wide. Karina submitted permit application last fall with a proposed project to rip rap and restore section of bank to natural elevation. Noted comments received from adjacent landowner contesting permit with some supporting data. Josh noted Army Corps not issued permit yet; there are some concerns with wetland designation. Josh noted per regulations, must have other applicable permits or letter from those agencies noting a permit is not needed. Josh expressed shared frustration that Army Corps has not been responsive to Mr. Karina. Josh noted it is applicant’s responsibility to provide other permits as part of application. Commissioner Grewell noted may be beneficial to contact Senator Daines office regarding getting the Corps to be more responsive to the permit request. Participants expressed frustration with landowners not able to perform work in the creek to protect property. Josh noted decision on appeal must be made within 30 days.

11:00 Extension Agent Nikki Bailey met with Commissioners for Preliminary Budget. Commissioners approved request to have temp help do deep cleaning.

11:15 Commissioner Grewell moved to accept June 22nd & 26th Commissioner Proceedings; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners approved employee time for June 25 – July 8, 2017.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant

