July 14, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Keys; James McGreggor; Red Lodge Area Community Foundation representative Eric Allen, Tesla Palmatier, Robin Adams, and Angela Getchell; Small Business Administration (SBA) representatives Rae Logan and Louise Porter; FEMA representative Tony Mayne; and Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen were present.
Porter discussed how the various Federal programs work together noting that during a Presidentially declared disaster SBA can make loans to individuals in addition to small businesses including agricultural businesses. It was noted that often SBA application and denial is required to become eligible for other funding. SBA interest rates are very low, between 1.668% – 3.375% and are set for each disaster. Porter also reviewed economic injury portion of assistance programs; the deadline is May 2023. Damage to agricultural property must go through USDA unless there is a retail component to the property or personal property damage. Bridges and
Palmatier provided an overview of the Community Foundation’s involvement in the disaster response and noting that the Foundation does not have the capacity to continue coordinating long term response efforts, but noted the County could request an AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team (ADRT) to take over those functions. Palmatier reviewed the proposed scope of work for the ADRT team which will focus on rebuilding assistance and planning (attached). The Foundation is in the process of finding location for folks to stay. It was noted the responsibility for the 25% cost share requirement may need to be negotiated with the State before the team is deployed.
Adams discussed the County’s ARPA grant for a housing study. Cushing Terrell would like to evaluate 2 sites in Red Lodge and one in another area of the County. Adams asked if the County is still interested in using property in Joliet for workforce housing. Blain noted his concerns with impacts to a Town that is already stressed for school size and possible other impacts to public utilities. Commissioners will discuss the issue futher at a noticed meeting. Getchell will be taking over workForce housing with Adams departure.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell met for her weekly meeting; she did not have any updates.

Keys asked about marijuana ballot. Bullock noted minimal signatures were received from those opposed to recreational marijuana and the deadline for submitting petitions has passed.
9:35 Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald met for his preliminary budget meeting. Ostwald and Commissioners discussed staffing and continued efforts to promote education on noxious weeds.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular weekly meeting. Discussed the Contract with KLE for emergency flood work, Papez has reviewed and edited the contract. Bullock noted complications with insuring the temporary bridges on Meeteetse and East Side Road, both MACo and the Wadsworth Brothers are looking at options as the bridges are not covered under the County’s property policy. Nixon discussed the marijuana petition process; Commissioners and Nixon agree the petition should follow the process outlined in MCA regardless of whether the petition is to Elections or directly to Commission. Discussed possible MACo Resolution for legislative changes to promote a regional jail model. Discussion about leftover sandbags and what to do with sand; discussion about donation of sand to Rodeo Association with their donation of labor and equipment to remove them from the Fair Grounds.

10:30 Nixon met for his preliminary budget. Blain moved to approve the requested wage increase for Tessa Brangers to 85% of the Elected Base effective on her employment anniversary of August 1st; Miller seconded; motion carried.

Miller moved to accept Commissioners Proceedings for May 31 and June 2, 2022; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Miller moved to approve June 2022 Claims as submitted; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Miller moved to accept the Justice Court Report for June 2022; Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:00 District Court Clerk Rochelle Loyning met with Commissioners for her Preliminary Budget. Discussed AC for Jury room; A&S Heating has it working for the season and it is budgeted to be replaced. Discussion regarding Juvenile probation services. Loyning noted she has yet to see probation officer who is stationed in Columbus. Loyning requested to increase Deputy Tiffany Howard to 85% of the Elected

July 14, 2022 (cont.)
Official Base wage. Bullock moved to approve increase as requested effective July 1, 2022; Miller seconded; motion carried.

11:30 Elevator Modernization Proposal. Blain moved to accept the proposal; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

11:35 Meeting closed to discuss personnel issue related to light duty work for an employee on medical leave.

11:45 meeting reopened.

Miller moved to approve the Agreement with the Wadsworth Brothers for Temporary Bridges on Meeteetse and East Side Road North; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer
