July 19, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond and Bill Bullock and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present. Commissioner Scott Blain was in Washington, D.C. attending Montana Day at the White House.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner DeArmond noted for the record that he met with contract Planner Forrest Mandeville and Ed Webb on Tuesday regarding the fence erected in the County right-of-way at the entrance to Belfry. The fence was not properly permitted or approved by the Board of Commissioners two years ago and will need to be removed. Commissioner DeArmond has informed the non-profit group Neighbors Helping Neighbors that the portion of the fence that restricts access to Mr. Webb’s lots needs to be taken down.
Casey from Congressman Ginaforte’s Office met with Commissioners to introduce himself. He noted the E. Rosebud Wild and Scenic bill passed the House. Commissioners discussed the Floodplain program and permitting process. They noted the County has had to hire an additional employee to implement the program, and that the engineering requirements have added a significant cost to projects for landowners. Commissioners would like FEMA to appoint a regional engineer to provide services to landowners at a discounted rate; especially for agricultural producers where often the engineering costs as much as the project construction. Casey and Commissioners discussed the Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) mandate. Casey noted the Congressman has sent a letter to the Federal Motor Carrier Association regarding his concerns; they have put out new guidance about how mandate is to be interpreted which has eased some of the pressure of agricultural producers to comply. The change in interpretation has also waived the requirement for engagements that involve prize money that you have to haul something to like a rodeo. All livestock is now exempt from ELD reporting. The Congressman is also looking working on a bill to provide an exemption for carriers with less than 10 drivers and a number of other bills to help reform the ELD.
9:10 Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb met with Commissioners for her quarterly collateral report. There is $692,774.98 in First Interstate Bank; $7,729,322.34 in the Bank of Bridger; $1,647,520.70 in the State Investment Pool; and $6,990,080.14 in Buchanan Capital. Resulting in $16,969,698.16 in total cash. Jane noted cash is up from Fiscal Year 2017, but still way down from 2 years ago. Commissioner DeArmond moved to accept the Treasurers Collateral Report as presented; Commissioner Bullock seconded, motion carried.
Commissioners approved the Fair Board’s request to provide gift certificates to Howdy Hildebrand for trucking services for the fair.
Commissioners noted a correction to the July 5, 2018 minutes. Keith Thomas and Peter Wisniewski are filling the remainder of existing terms on the Roberts Water and Sewer board. Their appointments is for 2-years to end in May 2020.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners. Discussed issues with Cemetery district map and legal description.
11:00 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding the DNRC Option 3 Agreement to allow Tom to participate on DNRC fire teams; DNRC will reimburse County for employee and equipment expenses. Tom noted the experience and connections he has gained on past assignments has been very beneficial. Tom confirmed for the Commissioners that his Incident Commander is aware of his DES duties with the County and will allow him to leave if there is a County incident. Tom requested use of his County vehicle and ATV which will be reimbursed at $100/day per vehicle. Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the DNRC Option 3 Agreement; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried. Commissioners agreed there is value to experience and networking Tom gets participating with the team.
12:00 Adjourned
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer