June 13, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell and John Prinkki were present.  Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant, was on maternity leave.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Mary Cameron presented the Carbon County DUI Task Force Plan for 2016-2017; Commissioner Grewell moved to accept the plan; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.

Ron Kapor was in during the public comment period for clarification of what changes were made to the newly adopted county development regulations and whether state laws or local laws were considered and who makes the recommendations and decisions; specifically he wanted to know if any regulations were deleted citing concern for further restrictions to landowners.

9:00  Road superintendent David Ohnstad met with the commissioners to discuss county road projects.  The commissioners updated David on the Red Lodge Creek bridge project; David suggested that this type of project be administered internally as well as any construction by the county road departments for county portion of match.  The commissioners were receptive to that as a cost savings.  Other issues discussed:  East Rosebud Road easements, private developments accessed by unmaintained county or public roads, and future treatment of roads needing improvement such as an inventory of the roads and their condition and options and methods of improvement.

The commissioners requested David to repost the gravel and asphalt bidding for bid opening of June 30; David would like to extend the posting to other media.

Commissioner Grewell moved to approve the Resolution for Traffic Sign Management; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.

9:30  GIS Mgr Tom Kohley met with the commissioners for his monthly report.  The Montana Land Information Grant was approved for Next Generation 911 format and migration to a web platform; LEPC meeting which included discussion about county warnings of severe weather and when to activate; successful mass pediatric casualty tabletop exercise at Beartooth Billings Clinic; address compliance with the City of Red Lodge; revised communication plans with the fire departments; decreased burn permits; the old repeaters have been assembled and stored for prospective sale; and discussed preparations for the upcoming fire season and the BLM disaster training at Depression Reservoir south of Bridger.  Tom also suggested a meeting to confirm Industrial’s assurance of maintenance on the communication system in light of their lawsuit by BlueWave.


11:15  The following were reappointed to fire districts with three year terms expiring May 31, 2019:

Tom Kastelitz          Red Lodge

Richard Deville        Red Lodge

Everett Edwards      Fromberg

Allan Markuson       Joliet

11:25  Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the contract with Alternatives Inc for 2016-2017; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.

Commissioner Grewell moved to appoint Commissioner Prinkki as voting delegate to the annual NACo conference; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.

11:30  Commissioners approved the bi-weekly employee Time Clock entries.

12:00 Adjourned


Respectfully submitted: Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder


