June 16, 2020

Commissioner Bill Bullock, Administrative Officer Angela Newell, and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

9:00 Commissioner Blain (via tele-conference), Macque Bohleen, and Lori Lynde joined the meeting to present the Federal Primary Election Canvass that took place on June 2, 2020. Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Official Canvass of the June 2, 2020 Primary Election for the State of Montana; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. 9:10 Blain, Bohleen, and Lynde departed the meeting.

9:30 Pam Hellerud joined the meeting to discuss the Youth Court Preliminary Budget. Newell shared that detention officer salaries should be reimbursed by the COVID-19 CARES Act, and therefore the County should be charged less for detention. Hellerud will investigate. Youth Court budget will remain level for the coming fiscal year.

10:00 Brian Ostwald joined the meeting to discuss the Weed District Preliminary Budget. Ostwald reported that grant revenues were down but are expected to come back up next year.

10:30 Blain re-joined the meeting via tele-conference to discuss the Olness & Associates audit contract for FY2020-2022. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Department of Administration Standard Audit Contract with Olness & Associates for the Audit Period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. 10:37 Blain departed the meeting.

11:00 Airport Board Meeting joined by Merrill Pfeifer, Mark DeRudder, Gary Herem, Jim Chittick, Drew Daniel, and Lance Brill. (See Airport Board Minutes).

12:00 Adjourned.
