June 20, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley Onsolve and ESRI agreement signed.
9:00 Brenda Henley, Ronald Bray, Chuck Barrett, and john Stekar met with Commissioners regarding creating a Cooney North Shore Road Special Improvement District and to discuss the County’s Litter Ordinance. Detective Quentin Thompson and Deputy Randy Kramer were present. Brenda noted issues with the condition of roads within the subdivision which are public roads, but not County roads. She has been coordinating road maintenance over the last several years, but can only get a fraction of residents to contribute to the cost. She asked about the process of creating a special improvement district (SID); Commissioner Blain noted the administration of SIDs is problematic for the county and the Commission is not interested in setting a precedent to create SIDs throughout the County. Commissioner Bullock noted the county standard has been to put the responsibility on a Home Owners Association and that the County is not interested in forcing a SID onto residents that do not want one. There was a brief discussion regarding the County’s Junk Ordinance and reporting procedures.
10:00 The meeting was closed to discuss a personnel issue.
10:20 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Justice Court End of Period Disbursement for May 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Minutes for May 30 and June 3, 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Craig Pester from Tractor and Equipment and Matt Eaton from RDO Equipment met with Commissioners for motor grader bid openings. Three Bids were received as follows: RDO Equipment Co.: John Deere 2019/20 872G; Net purchase price: $315,300, less trade ($90,000), for a total of $225,300. Options: rear ripper $15,000; Snow Wing Capital I $25,000 / Little Falls $15,000; V-plow $7,300. John Deere 2019/20 872GP; Net purchase price $338,500, less trade of ($90,000), for a total of $248,500. Options same price as 872G. Tractor & Equipment Co.: 2020 Caterpillar 140AWD; Net purchase price: $293,530, less trade ($129,000), for a total of $164,530. Options: rear ripper $10,500; Capital I Snow Wing $25,350; V-plow $10,500.
Commissioners will review bids and make the award next week.

11:00 Erik Anderson with Matriarch met with Commissioners for the gravel crushing bid opening. Two bids were received as follows: Koontz Construction Inc.: Vukonich Pit $6.25, Tucker Pit $5.75, for a total bid of $120,000. Matriarch Construction Inc.: Vukonich Pit $5.64, Tucker Pit $5.64 for a total bid of $112,800. Commissioner Bullock moved to award the gravel crushing bid to Matriarch Construction as the lowest responsible bidder; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; there was a discussion about when Matriarch would start crushing; Erik noted they are currently in Roberts but plan to start in August; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed salary for Sanitarian in Training Cortney Lynde.
Commissioners discussed request for salary increases for Treasurer staff. Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve requests as presented; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer