June 6, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Tim Jager ARETE Design group met with Commissioners to review the schedule for CedarWood Planning meetings today and tomorrow. GIS Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley and Treasurer Lori Lynde were in attendance. Jager also discussed the next steps for the project: ARETE will develop bubble diagrams to determine which offices the square footage of the building may support followed by the formalization of floor plans. Also discussed Geotech for the Red Lodge Shop’s new sand.
Commissioners and Kohley discussed addressing in the City of Red Lodge. Discussed Red Lodge Fire’s current processes for addressing. Kohley noted some legacy issues with addressing in the City and the need for interlocal agreement should the County take on any responsibility outside of adding addresses to the data base.
Blain noted meeting with the Conservation District Friday with Stillwater and State regarding the Town of Fromberg’s EWP project. The benefit of keeping the project with the Conservation District is that funding that becomes available for other projects that are withdrawn could be applied to the project to cover additional costs. Commissioners agreed that ARPA funds would be the best source for the match funds.
Bullock moved to approve minutes for April 25, 2023; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Road and Bridge preliminary budget discussion. Accounts Payable Clerk Piney Helmuth was in attendance. Discussed medical leave and whether or not to keep the Rover position. Bullock moved to process Reduction in Force for the Road Rover Position; Blain seconded; Miller discussion of need for dedicated staff and difficulty with staffing with an employee out on leave; motion carried. Blain moved to advertise temp position to backfill medical leave through December 31, 2023; no second. 9:45 Bullock moved to close the meeting for a personnel discussion; Blain seconded; motion carried. 9:50 meeting reopened. Discussed using special gas tax (formerly BARSAA) for larger capital and maintenance items such as bridge replacements and how to split those allocations between the road districts.
Bullock moved to accept the Treasurer’s Cash report for May; Blain seconded; motion carried
Bullock moved to accept Clerk and Recorder Deposit Reconciliation for May; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to accept May District Court Report; Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:10 GIS Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met for his monthly update which had been postponed. Kohley reviewed his written report (attached). Kohley noted he continues to focus on producing updated maps for various departments. Discussion about large format laminating up to 51” for wayfinding / public information for bridge reconstruction projects. Discussion of Commissioners expectations for Kohley to be on Fire Assignments, discussed opportunity to participate in regional fires, notice times (within 6-12 hours to deployment), length of assignments, Commissioners agreed there is value to the assignments, but would prefer they be approved on a case by case basis.
11:30 DES Coordinator Cyrina Allen joined the meeting. Blain moved to approve the Agreement to renew the CodeRed Software; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve a letter to the City of Red Lodge on the status of the Airport Interlocal Agreement; Blain seconded; motion carried.
1:16 Election Administrator Crystal Roascio met to discuss the Red Lodge Mountain Resort Tax election and the ballot language for the final resolution.
1:30 Public Health Director Erin Cross met to discuss the Public Health preliminary budget. Accounts Payable Clerk Piney Helmuth was in attendance. Discussed staffing, grants to supplement salaries, Crisis Diversion Grant and whether those should be staff positions or contracted with the Mental Health Center. Cross noted almost all the Public Health Departments that have separated from Hospitals are now running the crisis diversion pieces of grant.
2:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer