July 6, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Public Health Director Erin Cross met for her monthly update. Sandy Conlee was in attendance. Cross reviewed her written report (attached).
Bullock moved to accept Treasurer Cash Report for June 2023; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners approved the revised job description for the Public Health Clerk.
Bullock moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation and District Court End of Period Disbursement for June 2023; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with Commissioners to request a schedule change for his Administrator Michelle DeRennaux. McQuillan requested to alter DeRennaux’s schedule to M-Th with 10-hour days now that there will be 5 day a week coverage for the office. McQuillan discussed his plan for DeRennaux to cross-train with Wiley and how to manage the training with staff in two different locations. McQuillan noted he is considering implementing scheduling requirements for fingerprints. Bullock moved approve the schedule request with fingerprinting be changed to an appointment-only service; Miller seconded; the motion carried.
Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for May 9, 11, and 16; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:50 Bullock moved to approve Lease agreement between Carbon County and NorthWestern Energy for use of County property as a laydown yard for their transmission line pole replacement project; Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular meeting. Discussed Mayor’s comments at City Council last week regarding the airport. Discussed Agri Organics; letter from Planning and DEQ’s deadline extension to August 7th to remove piles from the site. Discussed agreement with Alternatives for Dept. of Corrections clients.
10:30 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Contract Civil Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez met to discuss the encroachment on County property at 10 Oakes Ave S from Tabacas LLC’s new wine bar. Papez noted the County has 4 options: a boundary line adjustment, easement, lease, or nothing. Papez noted a boundary line adjustment would be the most complex because of the County’s legal requirements for property sales. Discussion regarding maintenance requirements for both entities, issues with runoff, value of the trees removed, adjustments to the sprinkler system, and that an easement would provide a remedy for any potential future overburden. Nixon would like to schedule a meeting with Buchanan to discuss needs for future encumbrances.
11:20 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen for her monthly update. Allen reviewed her written report (attached). Discussed woody debris removal FWP is now individually permitting each debris site. Discussed the status of the rock debris removal project, which entity is responsible for removal, environmental review, and FEMAs request that H&H studies be duplicated for rock that has already been performed for the woody debris review. Commissioners approved issuing the statement as a press release regarding FWP’s roadblocks to woody debris removal. Discussed issues with Bearcreek’s water system and inclusion in the State’s Emergency Declaration. Commissioners requested to add a County declaration to Tuesday’s agenda to assist Bearcreek with funding the repairs.
Allen discussed mitigation projects for grant applications and the need to raise the elevation of bridges on the Joliet Fromberg Road at Granite, on Chance Road, Carbon Avenue, Fox E Bench Road, and 2-Mile Bridge Road.
Allen discussed EMPG Reverted funds grant application. Would like to apply for grant to increase radio cash ($3,200), and mobile radio for her truck ($2,100) for a total of $5,300; the grant would require a 50% match. Blain moved to approve Grant application; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer