March 16, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

8:30 Public Comment Mike Cline and Brenda Cline met with commissioners for public comment. Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall was in attendance. Discussion regarding the status of Evertz Road and where the County Road designation ends. Discussion regarding road maintenance if the portion of the road in question is determined to be a County Road; Evertz road is a priority 3 road with minimal maintenance and no snow plowing. Cline was concerned about the cost to taxpayers to bring the road up to standards; Commissioners confirmed there are no plans to make improvements to the road and a number of other roads that do not have a road base. Clines departed the meeting.

9:00 GIS Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley and Stovall met with Commissioners to discuss the Road Superintendent Position. Bullock noted conversations with former Superintendent Shawn Mains; believes it may be difficult to formulate a position that has sustainability. Bullock voiced support for using the funds for another operator. Miller also expressed concerns with the position as Commissioner seats change. Discussion regarding an additional employee included: where they would be stationed, who would oversee them, and who would ensure all shops benefited equally. Discussion regarding funding. Administrative position could have been funded by Commissioners reduction to part-time. Stovall noted the Road Dept. has not grown as other departments have. Discussion regarding overtime for the last two years; there was over 1,000 hours of overtime for both the 2019 and 2020 calendar year. Kohley discussed benefits reinstating Road Superintendent including allowing Commissioners to focus on higher administrative functions; believes it would open up the Commissioner positions for those that don’t have road maintenance experience. Kohley noted there are efficiencies that could be gained by having the position. Noted historically not all three commissioners were on board and did not have the full support of the commission. Discussion regarding consistency of having the superintendent position. The conversation will be continued at a later date.

9:45 Road Maintenance Allocation. Miller moved to sustain the current road district maintenance allocation; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Kohley discussed a Mutual Aid Agreement with Big Horn County Wyoming for law enforcement and emergency medical services (EMS). WY Attorney General would like the agreements separated to only include one entity; one with Lovell FD and one withBig Horn Co. WY Sheriff’s Department. Still working on what entity would be included in an agreement for ambulance services. Kohley will have the County Attorney review the draft agreement.

10:00 Stovall met with Commissioners regarding the appointment of a Secretary for the County Tax Appeal Board. In the past couple of years, the Clerk and Recorder has taken on this position; Stovall does not believe her office has the availability to provide this support going forward. The County could enter into an interlocal agreement with the Montana Tax Appeal Board for reimbursement of wages. Stovall will reach out to TAB members to see if they have any ideas.

Miller moved to approve employee time as submitted; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Discussion regarding detention facility committee agenda for tomorrow; commissioners would like to focus on the strategic planning timeline for the next month.

Discussion regarding Public Health Services, Commissioners would like to issue a Request for Proposals for Public Health Services.
12:00 Lunch

2:20 After receiving a request from the County Attorney. Bullock and Blain reconvened. Blain moved to adopt Resolution 2021-05 Prosecutorial Assistance DN 17-06; Bullock seconded; motion carried

2:30 Adjourned

