March 22, 2018
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Betsy Scanlin, Willis Herden, and Gordon Sirrine were present.
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to discuss potential flooding. According to the most recent data, the Clarks Fork has a greater than 90% chance of hitting minor flood stage; greater than 55% chance of hitting moderate flood stage; and 20% of hitting major flood stage.
Commissioner Bullock noted he will coordinate with MSU Local Government Services and MACo to provide Commissioner training later this spring or early summer.
8:45 Betsy informed the Commissioners that she is running for Senate District 49. She wants to keep on top of local issues to bring them to the State Legislature; she believes local governments, especially rural governments, are often overlooked. Betsy thanked Commissioners for appointing her to the Planning Board.
Commissioner Blain moved to accept Justice Court End of Period Disbursement report for February 2018; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Audrey Walleser and Hunter Bell joined the meeting.
Election Administrator Macque Bohleen met with Commissioners to discuss the primary election ballot. She recommends the County cancel the local primary election for the following offices as they are uncontested: Clerk and Recorder, Treasurer, Sheriff, Justice of the Peace, County Attorney, City of Red Lodge Municipal Council positions. She recommends all three commissioner races be on the primary ballot as there are three (3) or more candidates for the Joliet and Bridger districts and two for Red Lodge. Although Red Lodge would not require a primary election, Macque believes it would be less confusing for the voters if all three were on the Primary. Commissioner Blain moved to hold primary elections as recommended; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Roberts Rural Fire Chief Hunter Bell, DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley, Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb, Deputy Treasurer Lori Lynde, Roberts Fire Board members Dick Sederberg and Chris Devries, Red Lodge Rural Fire Chief Tom Kuntz, and Heather Cope from HUB Insurance met with Commissioners to discuss changing Roberts Rural Fire District boundary. Carbon County News Editor Alistair Baker was present. Hunter noted there are some properties in the southern end of the Roberts District who are within 5 miles of the Red Lodge Rural Fire Station. Because they are in
the Roberts district, their fire insurance ISO rating is high. Currently both departments are dispatched to the area when there is a fire. Miles from station factors into ISO; further than 5 miles in their district do not have fire insurance. The ISO rating does not recognize mutual aid agreements and does not factor the properties’ proximity to the Red Lode Station. Heather evaluated how a change in fire protection rating could affect the insurance on a home worth $250,000; she estimated a $700-800/year savings on homeowners insurance. There are roughly 70-80 structures that could qualify for the lower ISO rating with Red Lodge Rural. The petition process for annexing territory into another fire district is in 7-33-2126 MCA. Jane noted changes would have to be to the Department of Revenue January 1, 2019 for it to affect 2019 taxes. Tom Kuntz noted, boards could agree to help or promote process, but ultimately residents determine what they want to do. Commissioner Blain would like to see residents push petition process rather than County; Commissioner Bullock agreed.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Civil Contract Deputy Jacque Papez met with Comm. They discussed the gravel crushing contract; there are no penalties for not crushing on time, except for canceling contract. Bridger district needs gravel. The Contractor has stated they hope to start crushing in the Dietz pit next week and then move to the Bischoff. Attorneys recommended amending the contract to extend the deadline. There has been no response from Industrial Communications regarding the Simulcast Radio System; their attorney has not returned Jacque’s calls. Commissioners agreed it was time to move forward with litigation. Burgen’s have replied to the Motion to Dismiss, the County response is due in a few weeks. Commissioners and Attorneys discussed the draft Asset Management Policy; they agreed employees should not be able to acquire any asset without it being offered to the public.
10:30 Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb joined Commissioners for the Bridger District Commissioner Appointment. Commissioner Blain noted they interviewed 8 candidates and had multiple calls from constituents regarding the candidates. It would not be fair to Road Shop and Bridger District to leave them without a Commissioner. Commissioner Blain encourage all applicants to campaign on the principles they applied on. For all three members of the interview team, one candidate appeared in their top two choices. Commissioner Blain moved to appoint Robert “Pits” DeArmond to fill the Bridger District vacancy; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried. Commissioner Bullock added it was not an easy process. Gordon noted decision difficult and thanked commissioners. Commissioner Bullock called Pits to offer; he accepted appointment and will be in attendance Monday March 26th to be sworn in. 10:40 Audrey and Willis left the meeting.

11:00 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley, Tom Dunne from Dunne Communications, Cliff Peck from Alster Communications, and Rick Felt and Don Brown from CODEAN Radio Communications met with Commissioners to present CODAN Radio Communications as possible solution to address radio communications issues for the County. CODAN representative gave an overview of their company and possible radio solutions in the County. They discussed some of the challenges to simulcast including tower signal overlap and deadzones and some solutions to address those issues. Tom Dunne noted the current microwave backbone is not sufficient to provide proper reliability; longer antennas are needed to strengthen the IP network. Tom Kohley noted the Bridge tower location will affect the configuration of the system and needs to be a priority with the Homeland Security Grant Funding which needs to be spent by the end of the Federal fiscal year. Tom Dunne noted in his research on Simulcast, CODAN was a common factor for developing a turn key system. Kohley discussed the differences between multi-cast vs simulcast; noted need to have constant communication between law and dispatch about what channel they are on. Dunne noted Law feedback has been that multi-cast is cumbersome. Can provide full quote for fully engineered solution, would revise map with correct tower sites, without cost/contract. Tom Kohley asked about what is all involved in fully engineered solution; CODAN would perform site visits for computer modeling.
12:00 Lunch

1:00 Gary Levine and Kathleen Armstrong with Spectrum Group Architects met with Commissioners to discuss the County space needs assessment. Appointed Bridger Commissioner Robert “Pits” DeArmond was also present.


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant