March 24, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall; Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Tom Kohley; Elections Administrator Macque Bohleen; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Kohley advised Commissioners that Governor Bullock issued a directive yesterday for Counties to begin planning for a surge of critically ill patients and identifying/procuring additional space for the care and management of COVID-19 patients. Kohley noted that on its own accord, the Yodeler Motel had closed to public. They have since reached out to Kohley to offer their motel for medical personnel if the County brought in additional resources. Commissioners directed Kohley to inquire whether the motel will consider use for isolation/quarantine purposes for Beartooth Hospital overflow. Kohley said that Public Health Officer Bill George, MD supports this. Discussion about using Gruel Building at the fairgrounds for potential Beartooth Hospital overflow, if necessary. Kohley is brainstorming and making all possible preparations so that there are no weak links in supply chains.
Sheriff Josh McQuillan joined the meeting and discussed the proposed Detention Facility bond election in August. Per Bohleen, the County has until June 10th to formally cancel the election if it is decided to not be in the County’s best interests. Discussion regarding COVID-19’s potential effects on Carbon County. Commissioners concluded: given the unpredictable nature of this global outbreak and its currently unknown future effects on the global and national economies, and because there is no hurry to make an immediate decision, the County will go forth with its plan to secure the proposed site property in Joliet and finalize the facility design plans as scheduled. Commissioner Blain reported that Citizen Advisory Committee President, Hal Lewis, concurs with these actions.
Bohleen reported that next week’s Election Judge training will be postponed and potentially migrated to virtual meeting. MACo/MACR is pushing to have the Federal Primary election be mail-ballot only due to COVID-19 concerns; Commissioners will submit letter in support. 9:30 McQuillan, Stovall and Bohleen departed meeting.
10:05 Bill Palmer, Realty Representative for Norman and Geraldine Stevens, joined the meeting to provide the legal description for, and discuss, the Buy-Sell Agreement for the proposed Detention Facility property in Joliet. 10:15 Palmer departed the meeting.
Commissioners will publicly announce the Road Crew vacancy.
11:00 McQuillan re-joined the meeting. Motorola Representative Mark Stricklin and Sheriff Deputy Kelly Carrington tele-conferenced into the meeting for the Computer-aided Dispatch bid opening. Central Square’s bid was opened for the amount of $299,712. Per Carrington, Central Square acquired the existing system years ago and has done several IMC conversions; they own the State IBR for reporting; and Laurel Police Department has been happy with the product. Stricklin reported that Motorola will not be submitting a bid since Motorola prefers to do a needs-assessment and demo before providing a bid to an RFP, and the representative did not find out about the RFP in time to run their preferred processes. Carrington was not concerned that Motorola was not submitting a bid. 11:20 Carrington and Stricklin departed the meeting.
McQuillan discussed Sheriff Department’s and District Court’s adjustments to operations in light of Montana Twenty-Second Judicial Court’s Administrative Order regarding public health due to COVID-19. Adjustments include release of non-violent offenders and eliminating public access to the District Court Office.
Commissioners processed a Claim from Gallatin County this morning for inmate housing in excess of $13k for the previous month. 11:45 McQuillan departed the meeting.
Discussion regarding the County’s social media policy and what may or may not be said by employees as a private citizen, not representing the County, and not while on County time. It was noted, employee’s speech cannot be regulated on social media as long as the activity is not on County time or equipment.
12:00 Adjourned
1:30 Insurance Committee Meeting attended by Commissioners Blain and Bullock, Angela Newell, Barbara Daniel, Lori Lynde, Judy Prinkki, Jeff Schmalz, Pam Schwend, Macque Bohleen, and Pam Walling of MACo Health Care Trust.
Per Walling, there will not be a rate increase for Health insurance rates and most Counties are choosing to keep current County contributions towards an employee’s premium. MACo adding tele-health to all plans, possibly sooner than July 1 due to the current COVID-19 outbreak. Discussion regarding various Health plan options and costs. Committee supported having three Health plans that are fully covered by the County; no complaints have been received from employees. Commissioner Bullock moved to retain current plans as presented: RM2000, RM3000, BP2000, HD4000, and HD6000; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Discussion regarding employee Flex Plan options; Walling will coordinate with Newell with options.
Wellness Screenings will occur in the Fall. MACo is exploring options.
2:00 Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary
