March 26, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the DUI Taskforce’s Proclamation to Establish April as Alcohol Awareness Month; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Discussion about COVID-19’s effect on Carbon County and nationally.
9:30 Red Lodge City Council President Dave Westwood and Council Mary Cameron joined for the weekly meeting to check whether the County needs anything from the City and whether Resort Tax ballot measure is set; Commissioner Bullock confirmed the City has met requirements and that per Governor Bullock’s Directive yesterday, it will be a mail-only ballot due to COVID-19. 9:50 Westwood and Cameron departed the meeting.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined for the weekly meeting. Discussion about the Elk’s Poker game last night, whether there was a violation to Governor Bullock’s COVID-19 order closing restaurants/bars, and whose responsibility to address/enforce – City or County.
Discussion regarding adjustments to County operations due to COVID-19 with restricted building access and encouraging public to access on-line and phone services.
Commissioners signed a letter to Montana Department of Transportation requesting that the portion of Highway 212 through Roberts be reduced from 45mph to 35mph and that MDT’s planned Two-Way Center Turn Lane not be painted so that there will be a greater shoulder to de-conflict vehicle and increasing Amish buggy traffic.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approved the Commissioners’ Proceedings from March 5th; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:30 Commissioner Bullock departed the meeting. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary
