March 28, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Diane Dimich and Mary Cameron met with Commissioners for public comment. Regarding Warene Wall’s comments at council on Tuesday. Very concerned that Warene is representing the County on the city planning Board. Mary is concerned that City Attorney believes she has the ability to set the agenda.
9:00 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson, City Attorney Rebecca Narmore, and City Council Representatives Glory Mahan, Diane Dimich, and Mary Cameron met with Commissioners. Commissioner Bullock noted he requested the meeting as a result of phone calls Commissioners had received after Tuesday night’s council meeting and in attempt to continue communication between the two entities. Attendants discussed communication on cooperative road projects. They discussed the creation of a Parks District; Commissioner Blain noted the feedback he has received from County residents has not been in support of the district. 9:05 Contract Civil Attorney Jacque Papez joined the meeting. Parties discuss weed management and the agreement reached with Weed Dist. Coordinator Brian Ostwald. Parties agreed to wipe the slate clean and to move forward. 9:35 Council Representative Dave Westwood joined the meeting; he agreed that increased communication would help improve the perception of poor relations.
Jacque noted neighbor called Sheriff and DES regarding road and inability to get out for supplies including hay. DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley joined the meeting. Received call from Salvation Army regarding woman who could not get hay for her horses. Tom delivered hay she purchased to end of the driveway. Commissioners confirmed they do not want to set precedence of providing similar services in the future.
Commissioner Bullock noted BLM would like to meet regarding a cooperative Road Maintenance Agreement. Commissioner Bullock expressed concerns about creating an expectation of maintenance from future land owners.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for March 11, 14, and 18; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Lunch

2:00 Insurance committee meeting. Jerrid Bergum, Treasurer Lori Lynde, Judy Prinkki, and Pam Walling from the Montana Association of Counties Health Care Trust were present. There will be a 3% premium rate increase. Pam noted the group’s performance has been better than past years. Vision plan premiums are up 8.5% which is only $1/mo. MACo is discontinuing the current HD3000 plan. The committee discussed removing the RM1500 plan and adding a HD4000 and HD6000. Pam noted there will also be an increase in life insurance premiums.

3:30 Tory from Senator Daines office. Commissioners thanked the office for their letter of support for the FLAP grant application. Tory and Commissioners discussed FEMA and State Historic Preservation requirements. Also discussed the Mud Springs Wind Project.

4:00 Adjourned.