March 5, 2018

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Gordon Sirrine and Robert “Pitts” DeArmond were present.

9:00 Forrest Mandeville and Jeremy Eaton met with Commissioners regarding the McClurg Minor Subdivision preliminary plat approval. The lot is being subdivided to remove the agricultural covenants and to create two lots. The Planning Board recommended approval with following conditions:

  1. Filing of the final plat shall be subject to the review and approval by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for Lot 2, and the Carbon County Sanitarian for Lot 1.
  2. A notation shall be provided on the final plat that legal and physical access is provided per 76-3-608(3)(d), MCA.
  3. An access easement signed by the subdivider and the neighboring property to the south to provide access to Lot 1 shall be filed and shown on the final plat with reference to the document number.
  4. The final plat shall be prepared and reviewed in accordance with Section IV-C of the Carbon County Subdivision Regulations and the Uniform Standards for Final Subdivision Plats (24.183.1107, ARM).
  5. A fee of $10,000 ($5,000 per lot) must be paid to the County for use by the Roberts Fire Department prior to filing of final plat or as a voluntary lien to be paid at time of development. If Subdivision Regulations change prior to final plat, the subdivider may meet the requirements of the new regulations.

Commissioner Blain recommended adding a condition to number the lots “1” and “2”. Commissioner Blain moved to approve the McClurg Minor Subdivision with conditions recommended by the Planning Board and an additional condition of how the newly created lots are to be numbered; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Forrest noted he received development permit revision documents for the Mud Springs et. al. wind projects; the documents were submitted by Sunrise Wind Holdings.

9:40 Commissioner Blain moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder February 2018 Monthly Deposit Reconciliation; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain moved to accept the District Court Report for February 2018; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Sanitarian Josh Juarez and his Assistant Lori Kane met with Commissioners for the department’s monthly report. Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb was present.

Josh noted his work load prevented him from conducting at least 90% of the licensed establishment inspections required to get the full 2017 contract reimbursement from the State; Carbon County was eligible for $17,789 and received $11,125. Josh trying to get ahead of inspections for 2018 and believe having Lori as an assistant and Floodplain Administration off his plate will help him meet that threshold this year. 10:10 Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman and DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley joined the meeting. Josh noted the new Floodplain Administrator Annie Gillespie is getting up to speed quickly and has already significantly reduced his time on floodplain issues. Josh is looking at ways to reduce inefficiencies in his office operations including strategic scheduling of inspections. Josh noted having his office sperate from Lori has created some inefficiencies; Commissioners asked that any items related to the request to move his office wait until 11:00 when it is on the agenda. 10:20 Marcia Henigman left the meeting. About 40 licensed septic installers have attend trainings that Josh has conducted to help streamline the septic application and inspection process. Josh hopes we will be able to provide additional trainings including safe serve classes. The Sanitarian webpage has been updated to include a narrative on the septic permit process.

10:30 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners for his monthly report (attached). Tom noted he assisted the Sheriff’s Office with coordinating command vehicles for the homicide investigation. Tom is working with Dunne Communications to evaluate two alternate sites for the new Bridger radio tower; one is lower in elevation and Tom is still waiting on coverage maps to determine which location will be better for the system overall. Commissioner Bullock noted for the minutes that he gave Tom authority to use his signature stamp for submitting the Emergency Management Planning Grant (EMPG) application. BAS Census survey is underway. Tom received a call requesting the County declare an emergency because of the harsh winter and its effect on livestock producers; Commissioner Blain noted should have them call FSA office to file claims for livestock losses. Commissioners discussed flood potential; they do not believe the County needs to declare an emergency at this time.

11:00 Sanitarian Josh Juarez met with Commissioners to request permission move his office to the Personal Services Building to the old Office of Public Assistance. Lori Kane, Jane Swanson-Webb, Tom Kohley, and Marcia Henigman were present. Josh believes Sanitarian operations would gain efficiencies with him and Lori being in same office space. He also noted being closer to the Public Health Office would help improve efficiencies for their shared grant deliverable activities. Josh noted many of his office records are digitized in the County Silo program; the licensed establishment files would be the only files that would need to be moved. Jane noted concerns with her half time employee not having supervision in the other building as Josh is often in the field.

Jane was also concerned with public access and inefficiencies of her staff being in another building. Josh, Jane, and Lori will meet to discuss these concerns. Marcia noted a bigger discussion is needed about the back office and more efficient use of space. She also noted voting machines will have to be locked up once ES&S has performed maintenance. Commissioner Bullock noted would like to see employees more accessible to the public. Tom agreed with Marcia that the way the space if currently configured is not ideal and sometimes is disruptive to his work flow.

11:44 Commissioner Blain moved to approve employee time for February 18 – March 3, 2018; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve February 2018 claims as presented; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant

