March 7, 2016

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Grewell moved to approve February 2016 Claims as presented; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

8:35 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to review the Emergency Management Planning Grant (EMPG) Application. Commissioner Grewell moved to approve the Grant Application subject to any public comment at 10:30; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

8:45 Commissioners discussed the Road Superintendent position opening. Commissioner Prinkki talked to MACo and they confirmed that Road Superintendent duties cannot be assigned to a single Commissioner. Commissioner Grewell reiterated his open motion from the last meeting to offer the position to David H. Ohnstad; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; Commissioner Tucker opposed; motion carried.

Commissioner Grewell moved to appoint Allen Eik to a three-year term on the Joliet Cemetery to replace Glen Golden, Elta Ayre to a three-year term on the Roberts Cemetery to replace David Stark, and to reappoint Mike O’shea to a three-year term on the Luther Cemetery; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

9:30 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Scott Pederson met with Commissioners regarding Scott Peterson’s contract for Criminal Deputy County Attorney. Alex noted that he will be keeping the deputy cell phone as an emergency phone for the two contractors. Commissioner Grewell moved to accept the Deputy County Attorney-Criminal contract with Scott Pederson; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

They also discussed the City of Red Lodge’s request for the County to place a referendum on the ballot to establish a Red Lodge Cemetery District. It was noted that in the past the requesting entity has done the majority of the leg work for a ballot referendum.

10:20 Sanitarian Josh Juarez met with Commissioners for his monthly update. Josh will take the Certified Floodplain Manager exam Monday and will attend the Association of Montana Floodplain Managers Conference next week. He has been scheduling licensed establishment inspections for the 2016 to ensure seasonal establishments are inspected.

Tom Barker met with Commissioners regarding Gebo Road closure. Commissioner Grewell noted it is a County road to the Cemetery but he will have to do a little research for the other portions of the road.

Sanitarian Josh Juarez continued his monthly update. Josh noted there is new restaurant opening in old common ground building. Josh has received copies of 310 permits to ensure Floodplain permits are secured; he is continuing to work with the Conservation District to make sure applicants are aware when a Floodplain permit is necessary. Josh is also working with Tomahawk Restaurant regarding their water system. The facility did not receive DEQ approval prior to connecting into Bridger water system and they are struggling to get approval after the fact as the project was not overseen by an engineer.

10:45 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners for monthly updated. Report attached. The alternative site that was being considered for the Bridger repeater replacement is approximately 200’ lower than the current location and will not be suitable.

Commissioner Prinkki moved to submit a letter of support for Forest Service Trails Program Grant Application; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners approved employee time for February 21 – March 5.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant

