March 8, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Commissioners discussed the use of Bridge and Road Safety and Accountability Act (BaRSAA) funds. Originally the County planned to place pavement on South River Road, but Miller has discussed it with landowners who do not see the value in having their road paved. Discussion regarding shifting funding to another project. Discussed placing pavement on the Joliet Fromberg Road. Blain worked on calculations to determine funding would only pave about ¾ mile. Discussion about current gas prices and the cost/benefits of only paving a short distance to start.
Religious Exemption Policy. Public Health Director Erin Cross and Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury were present. Asbury and Newell presented the draft policy. Discussion about the Religious Exemption procedures. Blain moved to accept; Miller seconded; motion carried.
9:50 Miller moved to accept Justice Court reports for January and February 2022; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Miller moved to approve claims for February 2022; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall and Deputies Macque Bohleen and Crystal Roascio met with Commissioners to discuss shifting Election Administrator duties from Macque Bohleen to Crystal Roascio. Blain moved to appoint Roascio as Elections Administrator and to approve revised job descriptions for Roascio and Bohleen as presented; Bullock seconded; discussion about whether or not there was a vacancy being created (do not believe there is), discussion about required State certification for the position; motion carried.
Miller moved to approve the destruction of First Interstate Bank warrants for accounts payable numbers 77203-78000 and payroll numbers 24484-25433; Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Roly Devries joined the meeting.
10:36 Commissioners discussed the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation’s request for a letter of support regarding the Carbon County Area Ride & Transit program. Commissioners signed a letter noting their support for the program, but noting they do not support it being funding by tax or other County revenues.
11:00 Gravel Crushing Bid Opening. Randy DeVries, Roly Devries, Kyle Berg, and Craig Stevens were present. Bids received as follows:
o Roly’s Construction: $8.05/yd Vukonich; Phillips no bid; if fuel goes above $5.00/gal price would be renegotiated.
o Matriarch Construction: $5.64/yd Vukonich; $5.39/yd Phillips. Road Department is requested to: strip and stockpile top soil and over burden, level area for crushing equipment, and stabilize area for crushing equipment as needed.
o Quartz Construction: $6.94/yd at Vukonich, Phillips no bid. Road Department is requested to move topsoil and overburden that is not accessible by the loader.
Discussion about crushing deadline, Commissioners noted Phillips deadline may be adjusted depending on how long it takes the pit to be ready. Discussion about how to quantify the different expectations for the Road Crews under the various bids.
Blain moved to accept bid from Matriarch for crushing at both pits; Miller seconded; Blain thanked local crushers for bids; Discussion about site preparation expected of county road crew and how that factors into the crushing cost.
11:30 Public Health Director Erin Cross met for her monthly update. Rod Ostermiller was present. Cross noted upcoming school board meetings she plans to present the Rural School Nurse Interlocal Agreement and QPR Suicide Prevention training in all schools. Cross will also have two evening sessions of the training for the general public and is trying to gear the training toward bar tenders, food service workers, hair dressers, and others that have a lot of contact with the public.
Discussed provider meeting at the end of the month. Cross noted the updated COVID protocols and that there is very limited self-reporting of COVID positives. Senior Center outreach has started with current staff to help lay the groundwork for the Congregate Living Coordinator once that position is filled. Cross has quotes for a larger vaccine fridge and key entry lock to track access to sensitive spaces.
Discussion of high lead test levels with Stillwater Mine employees. Labs have been reported under a retired physician who was unaware that his provider number was being used for the reporting. Past public health reports from Beartooth Billings Clinic contracted staff indicated they talked to the provider; after discussion with the provider he was unaware of any issue or that his provider number was being used.
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Ostermiller and Cross met with Commissioners regarding the South Central Regional Mental Health Center (MHC) Agreement. Discussion about per capita fee which is $0.64/person higher than other counties. 2021 Alcohol tax funding was $36k compared to 2020 $22K. Discussion about change in profitability of the local center under the new counselor. Ostermiller noted MHC is recruiting for a LAC to do addiction counseling in person one or two days a week (addiction counseling is all tele-health now). Discussion regarding staffing of office, current contract requires office to be open 5 days per-week. Commissioners don’t believe paying the higher per-capita amount for a secretary to staff the office is worth it. Discussion about business of the office and what level of staffing is warranted. Discussion regarding bringing in other providers to help round out services. Discussion about no-show rates and need for care coordinator/case management. Discussion about removing clause to require 5 day a week staffing and Full-Time Employee who is dually trained. Also discussed re-allocating some Alcohol Tax Funding to Alternatives. Discussion about Public Health Administrative Assistant absorbing MHC secretary duties; Cross is worried about the Admin’s current work load and is not sure they have the capacity to absorb those functions at this time. Discussion about housing, crisis coalition coordinator, case manager, and MHC Secretary being duties under one County. Ostermiller, Cross, and Commissioners agree there are efficiencies gained by grouping those functions into one position. Blain and Ostermiller will explore options for the position and which entity is best situated to be the employer.
2:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer