March 9, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker and John Grewell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Commissioner Grewell moved to approve claims for February 2015; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

          9:00 Rich Anderson, Jim Perkins, Kelle Ventling, Mike Ventling, Joe and Gloria Weiss, Mike Creeden Carbon Conservation District, and Jim Schuma met with Commissioners regarding Clarks Fork River erosion near the Town of Fromberg. Planning Director Brent Moore and Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Gurrero were also present. The Town of Fromberg and residents along the river are concerned about the rapid erosion of the river bank that is getting closer to structures. Commissioner Tucker agreed to facilitate a meeting between the residents, Town of Fromberg, Conservation District, Army Corps of Engineers, and Conservation District so that they can work toward a remedy. Commissioner Tucker noted that no other County resources could be provided on this issue as it was within an incorporated town. Commissioner Grewell suggested contacting DNRC for possible grant funding to support the project.

          10:00 Traute Parrie Forest Service District Ranger met with Commissioners regarding easements on Railbed Road. Commissioner Tucker is still in the process of securing easements and will be sending out new letters regarding the easements that are still missing.

          11:00 Warene Wall met with Commissioners to request reappointment to the City of Red Lodge Planning Board as the County representative and to update them on the Board’s progress. The Growth Policy update has been completed and recently amended to included parks plan and annexation policy. Warene also updated the Commissioners on Veteran’s community activities.

Commissioner Tucker moved to reappoint Warene Wall to City of Red Lodge Planning Board as County representative for two year term; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

