May 14, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          Mary Boyer met with Commissioners to update them on delinquencies for the Belfry Water and Sewer District.

          9:30 Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum and Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with Commissioners regarding a potential tower site on the East Bench out of Red Lodge.

          10:00 Department Head meeting. Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum, Public Health Nurse Roberta Cady, Clerk and Recorder Marcia Heingman, District Court Clerk Rochelle Loyning, Road Superintendent Shawn Mains, Extension Agent Nikki Bailey, County Attorney Alex Nixon, and Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols. They discussed preliminary budget process for fiscal year 2015-2016. Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby presented findings on the cost of contracting for First Aid Kit supplies; the County will begin stocking First Aid Kits through the Clerk and Recorders Office.

         Commissioner Tucker moved to approve meeting minutes; Commissioner Grewell seconded; carried.

          Commissioner Tucker moved to reappoint John Grewell and Frank Teters as the representatives on the Area II Agency on Aging; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

          11:00 DUI Task Force Coordinator Mary Cameron met with Commissioners for DUI Task Force Plan approval. The DUI Task Force will receive a one-time reinstatement fee increase from the State in amount of $18,000. She also discussed ideas for expanding educational opportunities in Carbon County to address drunk driving. Commissioner Tucker moved to approve DUI Task Force Plan; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried. 

          11:30 Election Administrator Judy Christensen met with Commissioners to discuss board appointments. Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum was also present. Commissioner Grewell moved to approve Lori Schrock to Bridger Park & Recreation Board; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried. Fire Boards have quite a few openings still. Commissioners asked Darrel Krum to contact Chiefs regarding board openings.

Commissioner Grewell moved to approve candidates for Fire District Boards members voted by acclimation; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried. Candidates approved as follows:

          Fire District #1 Joliet: Stephanie Suko, term expires 2018

          Fire District #3 Fromberg: Adam Sutcliff, term expires 2018

          Fire District #5 Roscoe: Monte Ostrum to fill the remainder of Steffan Wittman’s term to expire 2017; Clint Branger and Richard Sholley, terms expiration 2018

          Fire District #6 Roberts: Richard Sederberg, terms expires 2018

          Fire District #7 Red Lodge: William Oley, term expires 2018

          Fire District #8 Tim Guenther, term expires 2018

          Fire District #9 Roger Steffan and Steven Thuesen, terms expire 2018      
