May 17, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
Vince Hudak met with Commissioners regarding the agricultural covenants on a parcel he owns. Commissioners placed him on the May 31st Agenda.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Sheryl Chabarria and Rick McDaniel from Sheryl Ann Construction met with Commissioners to discuss gravel crushing. They are finishing up at the Dietz pit but had an equipment breakdown 1,000 yards short of the 1” material contracted for. They requested to crush the 1,000 yards 1” at the Bishoff pit to reduce the time required to move equipment. They believe they are about 6 weeks from finishing the crushing contract if they crush the additional 1,000 yds of 1” gravel in the Bishoff pit.
8:40 Gordon Sirrine joined the meeting.
8:45 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding last evenings meeting with Fromberg. Provided additional sand for the town for sandbags. Tom will be moving 3,000 sand bags to the Bridger shop from the Red Lodge shop.
9:00 Election Administrator Macque Bohleen met with Commissioners regarding special purpose district elections. Several fire districts did not submit names for the election and will need board members appointed: Joliet needs 3 appointments, Bridger, Fromberg, Edgar each need 1 appointed. All other special districts had enough candidates.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve Fire District Canvases as presented; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to approved Belfry Water and Sewer District Election Canvas as presented; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve Roberts Water and Sewer District Election Canvas; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve Bridger Parks District Election Canvas as presented; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Treasurer / Supt. Of Schools Jane Swanson-Webb and Supt. Of Schools Clerk Lori Kane met with Commissioners to discuss preliminary budgets. Jane noted office supplies went over budget this year because of the purchase of a new folding machine. Freight and shipping and printing and binding was increased for tax statements. Angela noted Lynde leave payout increased salary lines significantly. Supt. Schools budget increased other professional services by $2,000 to help pay for liability insurance for contractor Dan Martin.
Jane noted after reviewing how Lori Kane’s time has been spent over the last 6 months, she does not feel her salary should be a 50/50 share between the Supt. Schools and Sanitarian.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon, Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley, and Contract Civil Attorney Jacque Papez met with Commissioners. They discussed the Simulcast Radio System. Attorneys have not had any correspondence from Industrial Communications and Electronics regarding the draft complaint. Commissioners and attorneys also discussed the Court House addition; they will be meeting with contractor and architect this afternoon for a preliminary meeting to discuss deficiencies and incomplete work. Commissioners noted they would like to pursue an interlocal agreement with Park County Wyoming regarding emergency response similar to the agreement with Big Horn Fire.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Firearms Conditional Transfer document for the Sheriff’s Office; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
10:30 DUI Task Force Coordinator Mary Cameron met with Commissioners to discuss the DUI Task Force Plan and preliminary budget for fiscal year 2018-2019. Mary noted DUI arrests increased by 8 in 2017, but convictions decreased by 25 compared to 2016. Mary noted the conviction rate was the lowest of the last 6 years. Red Lodge Restaurants will have 4 certified Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service trainers on staff; Mary hopes this will allow her to teach more classes in other areas of the county. Angela noted the fund currently has $13,000 cash which is roughly $5,500 more than projected in her plan; Mary would like to add any additional appropriations to her advertising line item. Mary noted she is working with Public Health on their seatbelt campaign. She has also budgeted funds budgeted to help lobby in favor of primary seatbelt legislation.
Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the DUI Task Force Plan for Fiscal Year 2018-2019; Commissioner Blain seconded; Commissioners discussed the language in the mission statement and would like to change drunk driving to impaired driving; the motion was amended to include the change to the mission statement; motion carried.
11:00 Extension Agent Nikki Bailey met with Commissioners for her preliminary budget. The building rent line item was increased to rent spaces for larger educational classes that cannot fit in the conference room. Nikki also discussed 4H activities including the upcoming citizenship day and continued fundraising efforts for the playground at the Fairgrounds. Commissioners have confirmed the playground can e covered under the County’s insurance policy and approved going forward with the project.
12:00 lunch
1:00 Architect Susan Hovde, contractor Jeremy Sweeney, County Attorney Alex Nixon, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, and Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz met with Commissioners to discuss the Court House addition. Jeremy noted the project has been completed except for a few minor items including caulking and gutters. Commissioner Bullock showed some pictures of other items the County considers unfinished including the ridge gap and the top of the roof where the old and new buildings meet, and the stairs coming out the back of the Count House which have a 3”-5” variance in the rise between the top and bottom step. Commissioners also asked if any exhaust or ventilation was specked for the project. Susan noted ventilation was not in the specifications, but she would like the meeting to focus on information gathering so she can give a more complete response to the letter. Alex clarified the letter was meant to put both parties on notice as required by contract and was not meant to be a threat of litigation. Jeremy noted plans are for a Sally Port and did not contemplate washing or housing cars. Commissioner Bullock noted the County would like to use the more formal process outlined in the contract rather than the less formal meetings that took place in the past. This change in practice is due to new administration and a desire to be more accountable and better document decisions and discussions. There was a discussion about fire codes related to the furnace room and wood core doors; Susan noted all are to code and she discussed with the building inspector. Susan reviewed the history of the project, noting the project scope changed multiple times including the location. Commissioners would like to wait for the full report from Spectrum Group Architects so that all issues can be addressed all at once. Commissioner Bullock noted there are signs that birds and moisture have made their way into the roof.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant