May 2, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary of State Corey Stapleton and members of his staff met with Commissioners. Secretary Stapleton noted the new legislation that was passed this session to upgrade the Auto Mark voting machines for ADA compliance via a Help America Vote Act Grant which requires a 50% local match. Stapleton also discussed the referendum regarding dropping off other people’s ballots noting his office is still working out the logistics. Commissioner Bullock discussed the special federal election in 2017 and the cost of running a poll election; Clerk and Recorder Christine L. Stovall noted allowing a mail only ballot would have saved the county over $9,000. Stapleton noted there is a push to eliminate poll elections as other states have done; he believes an all-mail system presents some security concerns. Commissioners and Clerk and Recorder Christine L. Stovall noted The County is not in favor of eliminating poll elections. Stapleton noted department is enterprise and does not receive tax dollars. Stapleton also noted the State will be purchasing a new voter registration system to keep up with cyber security threats.
9:00 Commissioners reviewed the road priority list. They discussed roads that currently have two maintenance priorities and adding mileage to make it more clear where the maintenance priority changes. Roads discussed with split maintenance priorities were: Farewell Rd, Clear Cr. School Road, Meeteetse Trail, Maki Johnson Road, Shorey Road, Luther/Roscoe Road, and Tuttle Lane. Commissioners also discussed changing the maintenance priority as follows: Chance Road move from priority 1 to 2; Cherry Springs Road all maintained at priority 1; Cottonwood Road (Warren) moved from priority 1 to 3; Ladvala Road from split maintenance to all priority 2; Ropp Road all priority 2; S Two Bear Road move from priority 1 to 2; Selms Road move from split maintenance to all priority 1; Volney Creek Road from split maintenance to all priority 2; and Zumbrun Road move from split maintenance to all priority 1. Commissioners also noted Papez Road needs to be removed as it is not a County road. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve alterations in road priority list pending the addition of distances when a maintenance priority transitions to a lower level; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners. Shannon discussed an indigent burial. She noted the funeral home received check from Cedarwood for funeral expenses. Shannon suggested the funeral home cash the check and bill the County for balance of burial costs. Shannon noted in the future she would like to be able to authorize cremations and then request payment from the County and follow indigent probate process to recover funds. Commissioners agreed this is the best process and authorized Shannon to authorize cremations and submit claims for the costs.
10:30 Airport Board Meeting. Merrill Pfeifer, Wally Zook, and Red Lodge Airport Manager Jim Chittick, and John Ladvala were present. Wally moved to approve the November 8, 2018 Airport Board Meeting minutes; Bill seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Commissioners signed Noxious Weed Trust Fund Project Grant Agreements for the St. Olaf’s Cooperative Weed Management Area MDA Number 2019-031 and Palisades Cooperative Weed Management Area MDA Number 2019-030.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the District Court Fines and Fees Receipts Summary for April 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Clerk and Recorders Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for April 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Treasurer’s Cash report for April 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve meeting minutes from April 1st and 4th, 2019; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock received a call noting the Ingersoll Road Bridge is being shut down by Stillwater County. They will be providing signage on the Carbon County side.

2:00 Adjourned