May 22, 2023
Commissioners Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
1:00 Floodplain Administrator Page Dringman met to discuss DNRC efforts to remap floodplains in Carbon County. Dringman presented maps showing some of the areas including East Rosebud that are mapped as an Approximate Zone. Discussed historical data and lack of hydrological data as a basis for flood modeling and base flood elevations. Dringman also noted there are errors in some of the data that does exist.
Discussed timeline for new maps; 18 months. Blain noted it is likely that some properties will be added to the floodplain and some will be removed from it. Dringman noted the current mapping has the 400 Ranch out of the floodplain and many of those properties would likely be added. Dringman does not believe mapping will affect any of the projects currently underway as permitting would not be affected until the new maps are adopted. Discussed effects on Flood Insurance; Dringman noted for those in an approximate zone it could help their rating, for others, it could increase their costs.
Discussed continuing of Floodplain Services Interlocal Agreement with Sweet Grass County. Dringman noted her need for some Administrative Support. Discussed overlap and coordination with Conservation Dist. and ways to streamline processes for the public. Dringman would like to see a shared point of contact who can help make sure all applications are completed and sent to the appropriate agencies (esp. USACE & FP section). It would be helpful if this point person had access to conservation district files and knew which agencies have permitting authority over a project.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer