May 25, 2017

Commissioners Doug Tucker and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Gary Levine and Kathleen Armstrong from Spectrum Group Architects met with Commissioners to discuss additional information for the On-Call Architect Request for Proposals.

9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon, Deputy Attorney Shannon Foley, and Civil Deputy Jacque Papez met with Commissioners to discuss County business. Discussed penalties for burning without permit. Attorneys believe there are sufficient laws in place regarding penalties / restitution and that violations need to be reported to the Sheriff for prosecution.

Commissioners asked if there is something that can be put in place to address animal hording issues and puppy mills in the County. Alex noted limits on County’s ability to implement ordinances, but State laws cover animal cruelty which may apply.

Also discussed Marsy’s Law compliance and new position. Bill will sit on the employee selection committee.

Commissioners and Attorneys discusses the Mud Springs wind project. The project Impact Fee is due as they have poured concrete for the project. Attorneys asked if the County should consider declaratory action; Commissioners asked Co Atty to write formal letter regarding impact fee.

9:50 Commissioner Tucker moved to approve Commissioners’ minutes for April 27, 2017; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Industrial Communication installed the Software patch on the Mutual Aid Repeater last week and seems to be working for the most part. Plan to install patch on law repeaters next week.

10:30 Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols and Clerks Callie Allen and Lynn Schwend met with Commissioners regarding alternate court locations and safety glass installation. Would like to use Conference Room in the Personal Services Building as alternative court location as Justice Court trials are being bumped more frequently. Commissioners agree the Conference Room is a good alternative and will let Personal Services Building tenants know Justice Court will have priority for the space. The office has decided they do not want safety glass installed.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant