May 26, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Gordon Sirrine (via tele-conference) were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:45 Scott Bauwens tele-conferenced into the meeting.

9:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the CodeRED NEXT Agreement Renewal for July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:35 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Employee Time as submitted; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Bauwens departed the meeting.

10:25 Steve Simonson and Joel Bertolino, both of Beartooth RC&D, tele-conferenced into the meeting to discuss Economic Development Administration funding. Beartooth RC&D will be receiving an additional $400k over next 2 years for COVID-19 Economic Recovery in the region. RC&D will be going through competitive bid process for expending those funds. Discussion about the challenges of getting recovery aid funds approved from the state level into the local economy. 10:50 Bauwens re-joined the meeting.

11:00 Detention Facility discussion. Commissioner Blain updated Beartooth RC&D that the proposed Detention Facility bond election has been postponed due to the unknown economic effects of COVID-19 on the County. Simonson recounted a recent conversation with NorthWestern Energy that the cost of running 3-phase power to the facility would be approximately $17k (not $200k as budgeted as a placeholder by architects). 11:10 Bauwens departed the meeting.

Commissioner Bullock reported on a phone call he had this morning with Jessica Rhoades from Governor Bullock’s office emphasizing the need for local governments and businesses to have a timeline for potential COVID-19 Phase 3 re-opening for summertime event planning; much of Carbon County’s economy is dependent on summer tourism and many businesses will close without the tourists that summer events bring.

11:35 Sirrine departed the meeting.12:00 County Board of Health Meeting. Dr. Bill George, member Dick Nolan, and Sanitarian Cortney Lynde were present. County Attorney Alex Nixon, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, member Becky Frank, Tobacco Prevention Specialist Jean Atherly, Public Health Nurse Roberta Cady, Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Jason Mahoney, Red Lodge Area Community Foundation Therese Picasso-Edwards, and Beartooth Billings Clinic CEO Kelley Evans participated via teleconference.

1:40 Adjourned.
